New version! New version! New version! (39)

5 Name: !DEEPjKeito 2005-02-11 15:38 ID:omMGZQwR (Replies) [Del]

I have updated to this version on /g/ at GUROchan, and it is working fine. Unfortunately I will be away this weekend, so I don't have the time to update the other boards before I come home again.

Anyway, I have one question. Probably a stupid one too. How can I choose which style's set as default?
I've set use constant CSS_FILE => 'css/gurochan.css'; in the config, but Futaba is still default.

Thanks for your good work!

6 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-02-11 15:48 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


I have noticed that the vericodes don't update properly on /g/ now - I have to reload the reply page to get them to refresh.

7 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-11 16:59 ID:LjtYx7Q/ (Replies) [Del]


CSS_FILE is outdated, and I just forgot to remove it. There's a DEFAULT_STYLE option that you can set to the name (proper name, not filename) of the style you want as default.

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