"USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST" mark (35, permasaged)

4 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-11 08:04 ID:82qfdlFx (Replies) [Del]

No, never.

I feel that message is the image board equivalent of public executions. Bans are not to be used to set an example to the unruly hordes of users, bans should be used to stop abuse of the board and allow the users to enjoy it without the distractions of floods and excessive asshattery.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2009-12-29 06:21 ID:OGHy40Eq [Del]

It's not really an execution. Most bans aren't permanent, for one thing. Even if the ban is set to be permanent, the user can just come back under another name with another IP and behave.

And it helps the other users to know where the ban line is in real life.

And also why named user X is not showing up for a few days.


>You should never be banned for a post that is left on the board.

If the post can be left on the board, possibly edited, then, again, it makes it clearer to the other users what could get you banned. It's basically the good principle from real life that 'justice' should be done openly.


>IMO, if a post is deleted between other posts, it should just be removed.

On this board, a placeholder post for deleted posts really doesn't have any utility, because users could just note the gap in the numbering of the posts in the thread.

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