making kareha use application/xhtml+xml instead of text/html (21)

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-01-28 17:00 ID:pMbmbK+g (Replies) [Del]

The first is already done. For the second, I was thinking of using that hack you cooked up in PerlHP to send application/xhtml+xml to browsers that support it. I'd like to figure out how to make Apache do that too, though. Got any ideas?

4 Name: hotaru!hoTarufiRE!!H0csnvz2 2005-01-29 00:17 ID:5aO8rO5h (Replies) [Del]

you could make the script write out PerlHP or php files instead of normal html files... all you'd have to change is GLOBAL_HEAD_INCLUDE in and HTML_SELF, HTML_BACKLOG, and PAGE_EXT in

all 19 browsers that i have on this machine ignore the type given in the html file itself, so you could probably hardcode it as whatever you want without anyone noticing...

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