making kareha use application/xhtml+xml instead of text/html (21)

1 Name: hotaru!hoTarufiRE!!H0csnvz2 2005-01-28 16:08 ID:NT2gqBuB (Replies) [Del]

why you should do it

  • application/xhtml+xml is the correct content-type for xhtml.
  • internet explorer doesn't know what to do with application/xhtml+xml
  • 100webspace doesn't put their stupid banners in application/xhtml+xml documents

how to do it
replace &thread= with &thread=
replace text/html with application/xhtml+xml
replace document.threadform with document.forms.threadform
replace text/html with application/xhtml+xml

replace document.threadform with document.forms.threadform
replace nodeName=="A" with nodeName.toLowerCase()=="a"

add AddType application/xhtml+xml html

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