Getting 403 errors for .pl files,running on windows (43, permasaged)

15 Name: Mdk 2005-01-23 14:16 ID:W+fB+SW6 (Replies) [Del]

firefox didn't create the .html,only IE did,although it doesn't show up on neither of emi get a 500 error and
[Sun Jan 23 16:33:01 2005] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: d:/homepage/wakaba/wakaba.html
[Sun Jan 23 16:33:01 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: d:/homepage/favicon.ico

i don't really think the favicon thing is crashing it,so...dunno
If i open the html locally it's looks like it's there,complete with forms and all,but it doesn't upload or anything

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