Perl restrictions hindering installation (19)

15 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-01-19 21:03 ID:u4d/VD+h (Replies) [Del]

Could you post somewhere your .htaccess, httpd.conf (unlikely), error.log and a detailed recursive listing of your web dir?

I'd curious about the restriction to cgi-bin. What exactly is supposed to be achieved by that?

16 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-01-20 06:53 ID:31LyLntx (Replies) [Del]


Gaaah. I keep hearing about these idiotic webservers that pretend to run CGI scripts but don't actually. Go yell at your admin to get their fucking shit together.


It's some sort of retarded historical thing. I never understood it either. I blame obsessive-compulsive control-freak sysadmins.

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