Perl restrictions hindering installation (19)

11 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-01-19 15:19 ID:31LyLntx (Replies) [Del]

Here's a guess what might work: Put all the .pl files in /cgi-bin/, and make a separate directory for the rest. Then edit, and after the BEGIN statements at the top of, put in something like:

chdir "../imgboard";

That is, the relative path to the board that holds the files on the server.

Then, change this line in expand_filename():

my ($self_path)=$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}=~m!^(.*/)[^/]+$!;

to something like:

my $self_path="/imgboard/";

Or whatever the path to the directory is, as seen from the web.

Finally, change all the lines like this:


Into this:

Name: Link:
Leave these fields empty (spam trap):
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