futallaby modificatons? (21)

17 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-17 15:05 ID:WEwNvWnv (Replies) [Del]


first i got this error

[Mon Jan 17 20:55:09 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] [Mon Jan 17 20:55:09 2005] wakaba.pl: No ADMIN_PASS or NUKE_PASS defined in the configuration at config_defaults.pl line 8., referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 20:55:09 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] [Mon Jan 17 20:55:09 2005] wakaba.pl: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at config_defaults.pl line 99., referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 20:55:09 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] [Mon Jan 17 20:55:09 2005] wakaba.pl: Compilation failed in require at wakaba.pl line 17., referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 20:55:09 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] [Mon Jan 17 20:55:09 2005] wakaba.pl: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at wakaba.pl line 17., referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/

then i removed the most of the #´s from config.pl and filled out the settings, mysql and so on

now i get only this error

[Mon Jan 17 21:03:21 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] Premature end of script headers: wakaba.pl

nothing else

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