futallaby modificatons? (21)

13 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-17 12:14 ID:WEwNvWnv (Replies) [Del]

[Mon Jan 17 17:32:45 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] File does not exist: /www/usr10635/myurl.de/htdocs/icons, referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 17:32:45 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] File does not exist: /www/usr10635/myurl.de/htdocs/icons, referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 17:32:45 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] File does not exist: /www/usr10635/myurl.de/htdocs/icons, referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 17:32:45 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] File does not exist: /www/usr10635/myurl.de/htdocs/icons, referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 17:32:45 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] File does not exist: /www/usr10635/myurl.de/htdocs/icons, referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 17:32:45 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] File does not exist: /www/usr10635/myurl.de/htdocs/icons, referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 17:32:45 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] File does not exist: /www/usr10635/myurl.de/htdocs/favicon.ico
[Mon Jan 17 17:32:46 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] failed to open log file, referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 17:32:46 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] fopen: Permission denied, referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 17:32:46 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] Premature end of script headers: wakaba.pl, referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/

thats before it

i treid to open the captcha.pl and got this

[Mon Jan 17 17:32:36 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] [Mon Jan 17 17:32:36 2005] captcha.pl: Can't locate List/Util.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at captcha.pl line 9., referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/
[Mon Jan 17 17:32:36 2005] [error] [client 82.xx.xx.xx] [Mon Jan 17 17:32:36 2005] captcha.pl: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at captcha.pl line 9., referer: http://myurl.de/wakaba/

is it the internal server path? if yes, is there a way to find it out without have to wait for a answer of my host?

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