Waha sends you the translations to Spanish (14)

5 Name: 4 2005-01-19 10:07 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

Well, I already started. What does S_SQLNUKE mean, though?

8 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-01-19 10:44 ID:TAFsRkJX (Replies) [Del]

Also, all strings are contained in strings_e.pl for Wakaba and templates.pl for Kareha, for those who want to translate.


Uh, I'd have to check exactly where it's used when I get home and have the source to look at, but there's a nuke function in the admin panel that lets you wipe out the board completely.


S_FIRSTPG and S_LASTPG are the texts shown instead of the Prev and Next buttons when you're at the first or last page. Normally they'd be the same.

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