New Kareha release (6)

3 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-04 17:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

testnot a test

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-01-04 17:29 ID:raCQyfbW [Del]

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-01-04 17:28 ID:raCQyfbW [Del]

It once again time for a new version of Kareha. This is mostly a bugfix release, with a couple of new features, and a couple of stupid fun easter-egg undocumented features.

  • Fixed the tripcode problems that have been pointed out in in various place. You can now use ' and , in names and tripcodes with no problems.
  • Templates cleaned up, and a proper Japanese translation thanks to the kind souls over in /nihongo/.
  • Delete and permasage now available on the thread pages for admins.
  • The multiple-range comma syntax for thread views (>>1,2,4) is now available, along with backwards ranges (>>3-1).
  • Some additions that are more useful for future Kareha projects, like limiting posting and replying to certain tripcodes.
  • CSS bug fixes (or rather, workarounds for Firefox bugs - no more crazy scrolling when selecting text)
  • Fix for flock() on platforms that don't have it.
  • Error messages are now prettier.
  • is now updated to the newer log file format (forgot that in the last release). It lives in if you need it.
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