Today I want to make a few remarks about NSWF boards: Either you make them NSFW and then go with it and deal with what "free speech" gives you or you limit the use - but then it's not NSFW. WAKAchan's /b/ annoys the hell out of me right now because it can neither decide on what it wants to be (thus it lacks a basic form of sincerity) and the users' constant whining about some content being "not random enough" reminds me of when 4chan went down and the /b/tards started posting 4chan NETA pics on 5chan's random board, eliciting the same kind of comments and outrage from the whiney 5chan folk.
/b/ or "Random" should stand for mayhem, melodrama, disgust and bewilderment. Any attempts at restricting and taming this spirit will neccessarily result in something else and most likely in something lamer than what the random boards on 4chan, Futaba, Siokara, etc. are like. My advice for WAKAchan is to simply admit that their /b/ is not meant to be NSFW and just go with that. At least that would be an honest attitude.
"Random" defies classification out of necessity. Randomness is an equal-probability mixture of anything, be it cute, morbid, insightful, braindead, fluffy, grotesque, dramatic, plain, unique or more or the same. You click the link fully expecting to be surprised and it still surprises you.
To say that random should stand for "mayhem, melodrama, disgust and bewilderment" is to argue against the same point you're trying to make: that you can't put any restriction on random board if it is to remain random.
/b/ is not merely a place to dump everything that doesn't belong elsewhere. It's a place to dump everything, whether it belongs elsewhere or not. The beauty of non-classification is that you don't have to deal with the frustration of digging deep to find something of interest and not finding it. It finds you.