The *chans - General Discussion Thread (255)

1 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-09 21:22 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

I figured since the threads about the English *chans on the English *chans' own fora usually create drama, flamewars and trolling since the respective community usually gets defensive about "its own site", this could be a good place to talk about them, even though the board is losely associated with WAKAchan.

Don't let that bother you, though. This board and the idea for it have been older than WAKAchan. It won't really matter where you are coming from or if you even want to talk about an English *chan (4chan, iichan, 5chan, fchan, 0chan, etc.) at all or rather about a Japanese, Chinese or Taiwanese *chan, imageboard or whatever. Rational arguments above usernames and community cliques!

This thread should just serve the use to make a few remarks about a particular imageboard site / community, how they relate to each other, what differences, opportunities, etc. there could be, both from a technical standpoint as well as from a "sociological" standpoint, if you want to talk about that. And of course, there's more...

Please try to refrain from trolling this thread too much. Also, please don't pay any trolls herein too much attention, i.e. don't feed them. Let's keep this civil, everyone!

4 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-10 06:34 ID:mROhfa95 (Replies) [Del]

First off, I'll note that I agree entirely with >>1's thoughts on this board and this discussion topic. Next:

> Furthermore, the 5chan-idlechan war (or whatever it was) was unnecessary, unproductive, self-destructive.

True. However biased I may be, though, I'd put most of the blame for that on Zabadab and his shadowy backers in the porn industry. And with him gone, the whole community has been much more quiet. I didn't hate 5chan as a site enough to wish it gone forever, but if it was the only way to get rid of him, then we're better off with the whole site gone.

The reason I disliked 5chan had more to do with how it was designed more for swapping obsessively categorized porn than for any kind of community or discussion.

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