Xee, part 2 (630)

377 Name: Jo : 2013-04-16 14:34 ID:Rxh+zHHU [Del]

I am getting that fuzzy (bad reception) like thing when I switch between images. I have a set of images I often like to skim really fast through to find the right one. When I use my Mac in bootcamp with Windows, I use Irfanview and it is really really fast. It changes images perfectly with no jitter.

Xee v2 was ok at this, but it still wasn't as fasr as Irfanview on the same computer, and it would have a slow, jitter effect where it wouldn't quite fit the screen with the new image before starting to display the next.

I am hoping Xee 3.x would solve this problem and be really fast. Basically, if I hold down the next arrow button, the screen just becomes "snow". Will Xee 3.x have the ability to quickly flick between images?

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