This thread is for all your simple questions about installing and running Wakaba or Kareha, that just require quick answers. Please don't create new threads for issues like that, post them in here instead.
Before posting, check that the question has not already been answered in this thread, or in the previous thread:
Questions about "500 Internal Server Errors" go in this thread:
Quick dirty question:
Is there a way to disable Browser Caching?
Right now my browser is caching the boards and when replying it doesn't update and you have to manually press F5.
Thank you ^^
I'm having the same problem. I've been researching about it and I've gotten myself confused about what needs to be done. If somebody could please give a simple answer, that'd be great, thanks.
Hey everyone, after much struggling I managed to get passed the 500 error.
But now when I try to access the site, I just get the directory. Trying to open makes my browser try to download it instead of generating the html.
In the error log I get this:
[Wed Jan 06 15:28:06 2010] [error] [client 24.162.***.***] client denied by server configuration: /home/ritsucha/public_html/
I've already configured the config and setup a database (unless I did it wrong :/)
You need to configure Apache to run CGI scripts properly. How to do that depends on your setup and where you're hosted. has some hints, but it's really up to you to figure out how to do that.
Hey, can anyone help me here?
I've added the following lines to the bottom of httpd.conf;
# Perl
Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-handler .cgi .pl
I've made sure that has the permissions 0755 and the hashbang is set to /usr/bin/perl (I checked, and the file does exist there) but I still only see the source code when I run I've also enabled mod_perl in httpd.conf (I'm not sure if you're supposed to or not) but it made no difference. Does anyone know what the problem is?
I'm using XAMPP on Ubuntu 9.04, if it helps. And yes, I've been restarting apache after each change to httpd.conf.
Alright, I've set the permissions correctly and everything. I've correctly set up the mysql databases and linked them in
I've checked again and again and I know the database name, user name, and host are all correct, yet I still get a "SQL connection error" message.
Here are example configs to fix the Kareha + nginx issues folks like >>600 experience. A catchall for .pl files won't work, and must be explicitly set in the nginx config.
location ~ {
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/path/to/perlfcgi.socket;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /path/to/webroot$fastcgi_script_name;
location ~ {
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/path/to/perlfcgi.socket;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /path/to/webroot$fastcgi_script_name;
The absolute path of the files may be specified as well...
location = /path/to/
... but the first two examples simplify a multi-board setup.
Some noob questions about wakaba.
Why wakabamark doesn't working with russian charsets? Also, javascripts don't working as well. Can't change style or inasert post number in comment.
i want to use kareha image mode, but every time i try to upload an image (example: 800x600px 37KB image) there are no thumbnail at main page and it said 'No thumbnail'
i only change file in 'ADMIN_PASS' and 'SECRET' the rest of config variable are still default.
help please
Software error:
"use" not allowed in expression at line 1, at end of line
syntax error at line 1, near "to use shift"
"use" not allowed in expression at line 12, at end of line
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at line 13.
Compilation failed in require at line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 16.
Вакаба работает с русской кодировкой. Переименуй файл wakaba3.js в wakaba.js.
//Wakaba work with russian charset. Rename wakaba3.js in wakaba.js.
Отписался в платиновом треде
How do I access via my webbrowser? it only wants to save/open it but I can't really figure out how it should create an .html.
You're going to need to play around with it on the server side. That happened to me and I had to play around with apache.
I installed wakaba and all. It created the html pages and everything seemed to be working until I tried to upload a picture.
It spat out this error:
"Software error: Server closed socket during multipart read (client aborted?)."
I haven't worked with apache2 a lot or most web host stuff before. Any ideas what's going on?
Maybe Apache is configured to block large uploads or something?
Can't find anything but that doesn't mean there is. -
Woops, I intended to make my post here but for some reason made a new thread. That was a new and interesting brain fart. Anyways, my oekaki board was working perfectly fine for a while it seemed, but now every so often it's giving this:
Software error:
Can't read uploaded file at line 85.For help, please send mail to the webmaster,
giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
Any ideas? Thanks!
I don't know how the data base of kareha is designed. Maybe it is impossible to do this: Is it possible to limit the file size of the files that a kareha message board creates to a specific value? (What is the smallest possible size?) Would this imply some restrictions to, for example, the length of threads? Thank you for your help.
the admin and pass were defined in yet i cant install wakaba, any ideas?
Hello, I'm having a rather annoying problem. Whenever I edit some things in my wakaba.html or index.html (whichever one is the HTML_SELF), all the data I added gets erased whenever I post or add a new picture. Is there any way to fix this?
Those files are autogenerated, so any changes will always be lost. To make actual changes, edit the templates or include files.
I keep getting this:
Software error:
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: . C:/perl/lib C:/perl/site/lib) at E:\Domains\[url]\wwwroot\wakaba\ line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at E:\Domains\[url]\wwwroot\wakaba\ line 16.
I don't understand what's wrong?
uhm, where's that at? fuck I don't even know if I can edit that on this host.
How can i create new boards and edit main page? I configured etc. and i See one, deafult board when i run /wakaba/ folder. How to make another boards /a/ /b/ /c/ etc.? In admin panel there is only few options...
That's what you get. You do any customizing like that by hand. Install multiple copies, edit templates and includes, and so on.
okej, thx. What's the diffrence between kareha and wakaba. Which one is better? Why should i choose wakaba/kareha? Why shouldnt i choose serissa or kusaba?
how about fixing this?,370
Recently there are lots of porn poster bots on my board, running for the site so they can hotlink images off of the server. I'd rather not disable hotlinking, and am not sure if disabling just that site from hotlinking us would stop it for now. Is there a way to block bots by password? They seem to be using the same one even across IPs.
How do I include the space used (Listed in the name page) under the main wakaba page. On the front page I want to have a stats section on number of posts and total size used?
How about removing the CP from guns category?!?!?!
Hi guys! Just wanna ask a noob's question:
What kind of SQL database and in what collation should I make for Wakaba/Kareha?
I imagine you would have to code that sort of thing yourself.
You are very lost.
Read -- it tells you how to set up Wakaba with either MySQL or SQLite. You don't have to make any of the tables. Kareha doesn't need a database.
How can I disable auto-linking in Kareha...?
Actually, scratch that. I'd like to know if there is some way to have external links open in a new window when you click on them.
Speaking as a user, if I want to have a link open in another window, I can do it myself, with right click -> open in new window. If I want it to open in the same window, I just click it. Making all pages open in a new window is just annoying, and makes me stop visiting that site.
That's true, and I do that too. But the layout of my site puts the textboard inside of a frame, so... :T
Thank you. Is there a way to apply this to all external links automatically, though? Other than asking everybody to do that when they post.
Sorry, I'm not very clear x__x;
Yes, edit the source. Should be obvious enough, find where it writes links and change it.
hey im creating a imageboard so far ive done the front page but i installed wakaba properly and i cant figure out how do iadd seperate pages for each board its so confusing and i wanna add a recent images /posts thing like on 4chan
Can't you idiots come up with something new and interesting instead of blatantly copying 4chan and its frontpage all the damn time?
Here is my collection of errors which seem to appear randomly:
-I get a blank page and nothing happens
-I get the "BAREWORD ... not allowed while "strict subs" in use"-Error.
-"Attempt to reload aborted. Compilation failed in require at /opt/lampp/htdocs/ line 16. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /opt/lampp/htdocs/ line 16. "
-The "Global symbol "$parent_res" requires explicit package name"-Error
I run the script in my cgi-bin.
the mentioned perl test works.
What i tried:
First, i got these errors from a fresh install.
Used wget to obtain the zip
used unzip to unzip it
used emacs to edit the
used chmod 755
I also tried setting the wakaba directory to 755 and 777
That sounds mostly like some kind of horribly broken server.
I'm getting this error:
[Fri Apr 16 20:38:32 2010] [error] [client MY IP] script '/var/www/vhosts/' not found or unable to stat
That has nothing to do with wakaba or kareha. Figure out what piece of software uses url_handler.php, if any. Hell, that might just be some idiot who's trying to hit a file that doesn't exist.
Well, when I try and visit my site with wakaba I get a internal server error, etc... and I get this in access logs:
[Sat Apr 17 13:13:20 2010] [error] Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: . /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 /etc/httpd) at /var/www/vhosts/ line 16.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aorted
There a way to post as an admin?
It's a nub question, but if there's a way, I'd like to know.
Kareha supports capcodes out-of-the-box.
In Wakaba you have the opportunity to post with HTML. If you want capcodes, you'll have to create them yourself. It's not really that hard, even I managed it and I suck at programming.
i dont have any thumbnails, why is that?
how do i delete [burichan] [futaba] etc in admin bar? when i remove it from my index.html it's ok for a while and then, after f5ing board, it comes back. whats going on?
Edit your The html files are of course generated by wakaba.
An odd question on Wakaba, but i really need to know:
How to configure a board this way: replying to any thread will never make it go up, no matter it's position or how old or new it is?
Thanks a lot.
I mean, the threads must always remain in order of they're creation.
just comment out (or remove) this section:
if($parent) # bumping
# check for sage, or too many replies
unless($email=~/sage/i or sage_count($parent_res)>MAX_RES)
$sth=$dbh->prepare("UPDATE ".SQL_TABLE." SET lasthit=$time WHERE num=? OR parent=?;") or make_error(S_SQLFAIL);
$sth->execute($parent,$parent) or make_error(S_SQLFAIL);
or change the first line there to if(!NEVER_BUMP && $parent) # bumping
and put eval "use constant NEVER_BUMP => 0" unless (defined &NEVER_BUMP);
in and use constant NEVER_BUMP => 1;
Why not just read the config and/or the code you commented out, and set MAX_RES to 0?
why bother checking $parent
and $email=~/sage/i
if you're not going to bump the thread anyway?
How to disable Email field?
This also removes the Name field.
I only want to remove Email.
Ok, i searched these two threads, but could not find what's the problem.
I made my own server (ubuntu is the OS), on which i set up apache2, mySql, phpmyadmin.
In phpmyadmin, i made a database testChan, for which i didn't specify any tables (when tried to manually create tables, i got myself a list of options for the table, and i didn't know what to set).
I edited to set passwords, salt, and SQL options ->
i set SQL options as default, set passwords and users, and set SQL_DBI_SOURCE as DBI:mysql:database=testChan;host=localhost
Ran perl in commandline (got some problems in firefox perl.
Got the same errors as post no. 113 in the first support thread, but wakaba.html got created.
http://localhost/wakaba.html, and i see a page! But, uploading anything == nothing is done. It doesn't work.
Rerun perl, got only 303 go west, and the page stays the same.
I'm pretty much beginner to the whole SQL thingy, so please, bear with me, and tell me what shall i troubleshoot first, as my knowledge is poor enough to make me not know where the problem lies.
> Ran perl in commandline
Don't do that. It breaks things.
Temporarily I don't have internet connection on my server to redownload perl to make it run under firefox (and, even if, how do I do that under Ubuntu?), but I will try it.
In the meantime, two questions. First has been asked already in my response. Second is, what's the difference between commandline and firefox in terms of perl script? Why does 'commandline' perl break things? Shouldn't it be the same thing?
On the command line, none of the CGI environment is defined, and the file permissions for any of the cached HTML files will be incorrect.
Regarding Firefox and Ubuntu: that completely doesn't matter. Just access with any web browser on any operating system, and if it doesn't build the files and send you to the index, you screwed something up (or you have a terrible web host).
perl runs on the server. it doesn't run in firefox. running it from the command line doesn't set all the environment variables to tell it things like where the script is.
I am my own webhost, and that means that I screwed up.
So, currently, i made sude libapache2-mod-perl2 is installed, and I ran http://localhost/testchan/
All it did was a prompt to download!
So, here's the problem. Googling tells me nothing, nothing at all.
Any help, please?
Ok, found it. ALMOST, that is
Added CGI to apache2.conf
But then...
403 forbidden error. 777 or 755 to the whole of wakaba folder with -R. There are some questions about that in that thread, however, none of them are anwsered. Merely ignored.
One more time: Do not use mod_perl.
What should I use, then? All tutorials that I've found on google about apache & perl relied on mod_perl to execute these scripts.
Without that and CGI added in apache2.conf all that happened when running via Firefox was a file download prompt.
Your wiki & install documentation is somewhat poor on that matter, unless I'm blind || don't know where to look for :(
hi all
I'm totally noob and just installed Wakaba on my host. How can I make many boards on it, instead of a single one?
And is there a way I can add an age-rating for images? (I've seen this on few imageboards, it's like 15+, 18+ marks when uploading images)