The Wakaba and Kareha support thread, part 2 (1000)

821 Name: Anonymous : 2010-05-13 07:57 ID:Heaven [Del]

just comment out (or remove) this section:

if($parent) # bumping
# check for sage, or too many replies
unless($email=~/sage/i or sage_count($parent_res)>MAX_RES)
$sth=$dbh->prepare("UPDATE ".SQL_TABLE." SET lasthit=$time WHERE num=? OR parent=?;") or make_error(S_SQLFAIL);
$sth->execute($parent,$parent) or make_error(S_SQLFAIL);

or change the first line there to if(!NEVER_BUMP && $parent) # bumping and put eval "use constant NEVER_BUMP => 0" unless (defined &NEVER_BUMP); in and use constant NEVER_BUMP => 1; in

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