The Unarchiver (1000)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-01 16:32 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

So. I kind of like, the default OS X unzipping utility. However, it has quite a number of limitations. Most other unarchivers on OS X have interfaces that I don't like, or just don't work very well. Also, thanks to Windows' idiotic idea of using the current system encoding for filenames, I have tons of archives from Japan with Shift_JIS filenames, which none of the unarchivers on OS X I've tried will handle properly.

And so I, because I obviously don't have enough to do already, get the idea that I need to write a better unarchiver. Features I think it needs include:

  • Handle as many formats as possible. Not just Zip and Tar-Gzip, but RAR, 7-Zip, LhA, StuffIt, and anything else you can think of.
  • Handle non-UTF8 filenames, perferrably automatically.
  • Have a simple and straightforward interface like
  • Not leave .tar files lying around when unpacking .tar.gz files and the like.
  • As a side benefit, produce some code that can be re-used to add archive support to Xee (so this whole project doesn't just steal time I could be working on Xee instead).

For actual information on the current state of this project, read on!

513 Name: Sergio : 2008-08-26 01:06 ID:Np9l4CW7 [Del]


7-zip support seems to be poor? I'm trying to open a 640mb .7z file and it at first it took several minutes to get going and then finally error'd out with a "corruption" error. But tossing it into a window box opened it less than 10 seconds.

514 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-28 00:30 ID:iSlFiyH6 [Del]

Any chances of fixing the issues The Unarchiver is causing for users who try to decompress the PwnageTool for iPhone from They're specifically asking people not to use this application now since it breaks the .tbz files..?

515 Name: Geetomee : 2008-09-22 12:45 ID:zp/3Y3xI [Del]

Any progress on a DiskDoubler answer since June? I'm getting same message... have a big pitch coming up and need relevant files from CD dating back to '93!

516 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-09-23 06:32 ID:Heaven [Del]


No, sorry. I don't know anything about the DiskDoubler format so I'd need someone else to help out with that.

517 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 16:31 ID:lfoNyPoe [Del]

Hi. Unarchiver looks great and I want to ditch Stuffit Exapander but one thing is keeping from doing so. I really need the "always create surrounding folder" option that stuffit has. The newly created folder should have the same name as the archive.

518 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 16:38 ID:lfoNyPoe [Del]

I think you've mentioned adding this feature that people have requested in the past. I really need the "Always create surrounding folder" option for my workflow. The newly created folder should have the same name as the archive. I really want to switch over to Unarchiver and this is the only thing keeping me from doing so.

519 Name: macnut : 2008-10-25 10:48 ID:H3CPbUrb [Del]

This software is having issues with a 7zip multipart 4gb archive.


The archive contains 3 files, one of which is a "gi" file - which is a multipart (split) iso file.

On attempting to decompress, unarchiver errors with:
"Could not extract the file "": Unkown data format"

Using 7zip from terminal unzips the files wonderfully.

is unarchiver claiming it doesn't like the gi file or the 7z archive?
Is it trying to patch together the gi file?
Does unarchiver detect split files and attempt to join them?
Does unarchiver unzip/join recursively? If so, how to disable that?

520 Post deleted by user.

521 Post deleted by user.

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523 Name: Rich88 : 2008-10-28 20:56 ID:y5jUl8e6 [Del]

Will not open DiskDoubler files on Leopard OS despite it being check-marked and setting it as the default app to open DD files.I do get a message about being unable to open the resource fork or unknown data format. Is this a known issue, or is there anything else to do to make it work other than check-marking it?

524 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-02 13:37 ID:Heaven [Del]


libxad's support for DiskDoubler is not complete, and will likely not work. I don't know anything about DiskDoubler and can't do much about it.

525 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-02 19:35 ID:1nC5N6mp [Del]

Just a few small annoyances I noticed with The Unarchiver which I would like to fix if I knew how to program (couldn't figure how to build The Unarchiver project in Xcode after I was able to build libxad):

  1. The character encoding chooser dialog box. For example, if The Unarchiver had trouble in decompressing 100 files in an archive for character encoding reasons, it'll ask me 100 times with a dialog box pop up. Instead of having to change selection in the pulldown menu from "Arabic" every time (apparently first in alphabetical order), like Finder, I would prefer an "Apply to all" checkbox in the dialog which I could check when I'm sure what the encoding is for all the file names. 100 selections isn't an option for me: I went and used Windows instead.
  2. I got asked for the encoding on a 7-Zip archive. Isn't 7-Zip filenames always Unicode?
  3. RAR archives. I noticed that for some RAR archives, it would silently fail after decompressing only some of the files. At first I didn't notice this and thought it had succeeded in decompressing everything.

526 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-05 09:21 ID:dq74j0K2 [Del]


The character encoding chooser shouldn't appear more than once. If it does, that's a bug, or you've got some very strange broken filenames.

I forget how the encoding issues work with 7-Zip. Give me some problematic archives and I'll look into it. Same with the RAR ones. I can't do anything without test cases.

527 Name: eek : 2008-11-09 13:33 ID:p512WH4C [Del]

Hi - I have a .zip that is stuck unarchiving. For over 24 hours.
I can't quit or stop it. can't trash it.
It is in a little window that says "Archive Utility".
Neither Finder nor Spotlight locate anything
called 'AYU".
The enclosing folder is BOMAsomething but again, I can't find any such app or utility with that name.

Closing everything and restarting does not work.Removing battery does not work.

Any ideas?

Many thanks!

528 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-10 16:01 ID:Heaven [Del]


I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about.

529 Post deleted by user.

530 Name: straycat : 2008-11-13 16:45 ID:4E718wbs [Del]

527 must be high.
anyway, the unarchiver is great but it still fails to extract some password protected files like the one on the link.
pass: mechodownload

531 Name: straycat : 2008-11-13 16:49 ID:4E718wbs [Del]

sorry, i just saw this: The RAR and 7-Zip modules do not support encryption at all.
is this the reason?

532 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-13 18:03 ID:Heaven [Del]


Yes. I'm working on some rewriting of the code to make it easier to support this in the future.

533 Name: straycat : 2008-11-13 18:14 ID:gNQWKVvE [Del]

thanks for the quick reply. i'll check once in a while.
btw, just for the sake of it, The Unarchiver works really good and it's the only app that extracted well those awesome japanese shmups from

thanks for writting good software.

534 Name: straycat : 2008-11-13 18:35 ID:gNQWKVvE [Del]

sorry to bother again.
found another one who returns an error on unzipping some files within the zip folder.

it's mplayer for mac and it's a regular zip. Built-in Archive Helper, Stuffit plugin on Path Finder and BetterZip unzip it fine. If you waanna test it it is is:

best regards.

535 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-14 04:06 ID:Heaven [Del]


All right, I'll have a look at that (it's probably caused by another known bug). However, you might want to download instead, the one you linked has been abandoned for years.

536 Name: straycat : 2008-11-14 05:49 ID:yEDdy1V/ [Del]

i actually use the one at which is more stable than the one on the link i provided but thanks for your tip!
didn't know about this extended version. gonna try it.
thanks again.

537 Name: Batshua : 2008-11-23 20:36 ID:dK+wi/gT [Del]

I'm not sure if this is a Leopard bug or a TheUnarchiver bug, so if you can't do anything about it, please let me know and I'll stop being grumpy. :)

I decided to make TheUnarchiver take the place of StuffitExpander and Archive Utility, so I started to do a Get Info on a number of different formats to associate them with TheUnarchiver, and to click on "change all". This works fine with Zip. It shows a nice little cardboard box icon labeled "zip", which I assume you made.

It does not, however, work for Sit. (This is plain .sit, not .sitx.) Instead, when you change it to TheUnarchiver, it shows a nice little cardboard box icon labeled "sit". Well and good, right? Not! As soon as I hit "change all", the icon changes to a generic document. Very strange. Is this on your end or on mine? Is there anything that can be done about it? Thanks for your time.

538 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-24 05:29 ID:Heaven [Del]


That sounds like a problem with the really quite buggy and strange LaunchServices in OS X. You might be able to fix it on your end, but how I do not know.

539 Name: Tim : 2008-11-24 08:26 ID:zCUYPaEj [Del]

Is there anyone that has an updated version of Disk Doubler or (other program) that will open up DD files that works on a Mac 10.5 (leopard) system?


540 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-25 10:41 ID:dq74j0K2 [Del]


I have been working on getting DiskDoubler working lately, actually, but I lack test files. If you have some you want opened, could you send some to me for testing with?

541 Name: Trystan : 2008-11-29 17:11 ID:bDESJVhY [Del]

I've been using The Unarchiver for quite awhile, and I love the minimalist approach to the program. I do have one issue that's not really a functionality problem, but still irritating. Whenever I extract an archive, the progress bar races ahead to full, then just sits there while it actually is being extracted. I know it's minor, but I actually like being able to keep an eye on how the progress is going. It could be an issue with my laptop too, I'm not sure

542 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-30 16:01 ID:Heaven [Del]


Sounds like you're only unpacking some specific kind of broken archives. Could you send me a file that does this?

543 Name: straycat : 2008-12-03 18:17 ID:O16T0PTs [Del]

me again.

any chance the unarchiver will ever support PP files (Amiga PowerPack files)?
Amiga had the best compression routines ever, I remember long-play games like Chaos Engine by the Bitmap Bros fitting in a 700kb floppy disk.

If you're interested I can supply you a couple of PowerPack files.

544 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-12-04 09:53 ID:whwE1Sh8 [Del]


Well, as an oldtime Amiga user, that idea really is a bit tempting. Although PowerPacker was more of an executable packer and not an archiver, wasn't it?

Feel free to mail me some files, though. I'll definitely look into it at some point.

545 Name: straycat : 2008-12-04 16:28 ID:IQUxOJ06 [Del]

yes, you're right. powerpacker was actually a cruncher, not an archiver. it was used to crunch single files with a high compression ratio. when crunching a file you could set it as "command file" which made the file executable (it included a 500b header in the file to automatically uncompress it when executed) or as "data file" which you could decrunch later with powerpacker.
more info on the manual on the link below.

i still own a working amiga 500 with zillions of floppies but because of lack of time i have it archived in the garage and use E-UAE and Hi-Toro on my mac for emulation.
still brings a tear to mye eye for all the good times. best computer ever. did more than a pc with 7mhz and 512kb/1mb ram. and yes, it had multitasking, a desktop and window environment before the pc "invented it".

here's some resources you might find useful if you haven't them already. nevertheless is up to you to decide it's worth to implement it on The Unarchiver or not.
i have to call this bro to email me some pp files he has on his amiga1200. i'll send them to you just in case when i have them.
one of the links has a PP file too.






546 Name: phil : 2008-12-05 16:00 ID:3ZuFHt7v [Del]

any tips on how to compile the svn source?
XYDMaster and UniversalDetector build without a hitch but The Unarchiver keeps giving me this:
/Users/phil/devstuff/theunarchiver/The Unarchiver/TUController.m:1:48: error: UniversalDetector/UniversalDetector.h: No such file or directory
i've tried adding the frameworks to the xcode project and ~/Library/Frameworks but no dice...
any ideas?

547 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-12-06 17:13 ID:Heaven [Del]


First of all, trunk is pretty much guaranteed to not build and work fully. It's being worked on pretty heavily. If that's from 1.6.1, though, I don't really have any clue either.

548 Name: phil : 2008-12-07 06:05 ID:3ZuFHt7v [Del]

ok, thanks. in that case i'll just keep on trying:-)
great app btw

549 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-10 23:57 ID:Ux28U4Fi [Del]

Feature request: always expand into a folder with the same name as the archive, unless it was already going to do that. Otherwise expanded folders tend to get lost when they're in archives I get from Share and are called "nekomimi".

550 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-19 23:58 ID:G4aZATvb [Del]

Well, I'm worried if the app is still under depelopment. Already discintinued, or slowly going further?

551 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-12-22 04:29 ID:Heaven [Del]


Didn't have time to work on it for a while, but back on track now. Expect a new version sometime early next year.

552 Name: kristjan : 2008-12-27 08:45 ID:WQCgsCUX [Del]

has problems when queuing multiple archives for extraction (5+) it suddenly exits after unpack is done of one of the archives, or maybe the second, etc.

553 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-12-27 19:44 ID:Heaven [Del]


See if you can find some set of files that does this every time you try it, and send the files to me.

554 Post deleted by user.

555 Name: Rez : 2008-12-28 04:44 ID:OU3Xjlmc [Del]

1.6.1 on G4 DP 1Ghz. OS 10.4.11, GeForce4 MX

After "select all", when using "deselect all" doesn't work for many types.
Tried prefs. Doesn't work.

What would be the way to uninstall?
What would be the way to deassociate all these "hung" types?

zip, rar, LhA, sit, BinHex, MacBinary, Gzip, Gzip tar, Bzip2, Bzip2 tar, Tar, Unix, Unix tar, Amiga Disk, Compressed Amiga Disk, Amiga DMS

556 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-12-28 05:34 ID:Heaven [Del]


That's really an OS X bug. If you have another program that you want to handle them, just set it manually through the Finder. If not, what's the problem?

557 Name: Henry : 2009-01-07 12:14 ID:U35hX6KZ [Del]

So here's a curious thing. I had the bizarre Launch Services behavior others mention, whereby when you switch a file to open with The Unarchiver it shows the right document icon until you press "Open All With" - at which time they all go blank. This happens for me with tar.bz2 files but not with zip files, which are fine.

So I tried all manner of things. In the end I zapped Launch Services:

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user

I sent the two files relating to Launch Services in /Library/Caches to the Trash. I sent the plist to the Trash. I rebooted and emptied the Trash. (I also removed The Unarchiver and its plist and reinstalled it.)

Now here's the curious thing. That completely reset Launch Services. For example, if I click on a text document it no longer opens in TextMate but in TextEdit. Nevertheless, the system (or Finder?) seems to "know" about TextMate - it's there as an alternative if I right-click and choose "Open With". But the system (or Finder?) doesn't seem to know about The Unarchiver: it's no longer even there as an alternative if I right-click on a .tar.bz2 file and look at the "Open With" option. But it does know about The Unarchiver when it comes to .zip files, since The Unarchiver is there as an alternative on the right-click menu for those.

It seems like it might be significant that the file-type Finder won't show the icon for is the same one that doesn't appear on the right-click menu till I explicitly make the path to the program. I've seen exactly that behavior before, too. Wish Apple would fix Launch Services.

558 Name: markbult : 2009-01-10 01:23 ID:WDb82TXU [Del]


I have a ton of ancient DiskDoubler files. I can scrounge some up for you to test with. Where should I post/send them?

It would be very helpful to have DD support in Unarchiver. I first downloaded the app a year ago and I've never had any luck opening anything with it : \

559 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-01-11 05:20 ID:Heaven [Del]


You can mail them to [email protected], or if there's a lot of them just mail and we'll arrange something. It would really help to have some decent test cases.

560 Name: Sergey : 2009-01-18 06:39 ID:TuUQQFRE [Del]

Are you planning to add support for password protected rar archives? Would be really great!

561 Name: Stan-O : 2009-02-02 22:33 ID:+Ng7gBak [Del]

Please do implement support for passworded multi-part rars.

562 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-02-03 05:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

Man, I can just tell the donations will come rolling in once I add support for password-protected RARs.

563 Name: mortman : 2009-02-06 14:45 ID:sXIKEw5L [Del]

Every now and then when I download a file a -1 is added, for example. Abcd.dmg-1 and the file will not mount, even if I delete the -1

564 Name: mortman : 2009-02-06 14:48 ID:sXIKEw5L [Del]

Every now and then when I download a file a -1 is added, for example. Abcd.dmg-1 and the file will not mount, even if I delete the -1. I am using an iMac Intel and OS 10.5.6

565 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-06 19:09 ID:Heaven [Del]

that's probably a bug in whatever you're using to download the file.

566 Name: Talentless Troll : 2009-02-08 17:38 ID:unax7XWO [Del]

I've just learned of this program, and wondering how I survived without it. Many thanks and good work.

567 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-24 08:04 ID:XoBUczls [Del]

I'll donate $5 if you add support for password-protected RARs.

568 Name: Kevin Yank : 2009-02-25 02:12 ID:V2ol4fAf [Del]

I’d love to see The Unarchiver include an Automator action. Right now I can invoke The Unarchiver on a set of Finder Items in Automator, but I must follow it with a Pause action to allow enough time for the extraction to complete. If The Unarchiver offered an Automator action of its own, Automator would automatically wait while the extraction process took place.

569 Name: Nyanko-sensei : 2009-03-13 05:43 ID:Dx7Ux0cx [Del]

feature request: show all possible encodings if the detection fails. now if the zip contains Shift-Jis encoded filenames the app tends not to show it in the dropdown list. it shows a list of encodings without it. even if I'm pretty sure that the encoding is Shift-Jis I can't select it

570 Name: mars : 2009-03-14 03:24 ID:C1ZXiwuV [Del]

On Leopard, The Unarchiver appears not to be optimized: when extracting large archives, the cpu usage of both cores is really low. I was wondering if it could be optimized to be faster by using the available resources ? Both CPU and RAM, which is 4GB in my system.

Thank you

571 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-14 03:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

That's not a task that's inherently CPU-bound. Most of the time spent is going to be in disk read/write operations.

572 Name: markbult : 2009-03-16 22:39 ID:WDb82TXU [Del]

If people are still looking for an old OS 9 version of DiskDoubler that works (like I have been for years), I finally found one on an old CD-ROM and I've posted it for others to download.


573 Name: Rogeer E : 2009-04-02 09:30 ID:7+PFYsVl (Image: 0x0 tiff, 47 kb) [Del]

Whenever I make a mistake and try to unarchive a file that has not finished downloading, , OR unArchiver tries a .rar file it cannot extract (although StuffitExpander HAS been able to extract these except for one out of about 12 failures in about 400 unrars over many months)... the application freezes showing a "Preparing to extract..." . Activity Monitor shows about 16% of INTEL 2coreDuo used. Other people have said they 'forced quit'.
My Force Quit under Apple menu will not display the program so it must indeed be integrated into the OS. So they must mean pressing a ForceShutDown button.
The window currently with this problem is a stack of pending operations, with a partly downloaded one mistakenly included.
It has not hung the download, which is still progressing using AZUREUS in OS 10.4.11.
Is there any way I can change the Queue order, or Force the integration to let go of my system without stopping all work and restarting?

574 Post deleted by moderator.

575 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. : 2009-04-16 14:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

I noticed it doesn't extract some Windows installers that unshield ( / Universal Extractor ( can handle. Is there anywhere to stick samples for this kind of thing?

576 Name: john g : 2009-04-30 14:40 ID:13WFaBEM [Del]

im using latest leopard. whenever i try and add three files to the queue, it breaks. the first two unrar and the third, it just closes, crashes if you will and no message or error is reported.

also, please support password protected rar files please.

I love this little app. Can be much better though. plz. thank you.

577 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-05-01 13:06 ID:Frw5sPkZ [Del]


There's a bug for better CAB support, stuff them in there. Also, write some code for it, the new version makes it pretty easy.

578 Post deleted by moderator.

579 Post deleted by user.

580 Name: nicko : 2009-05-16 20:59 ID:yt/tXcZQ [Del]

Thankyou!.. Love it on my new mac. Much appreciated... :D

581 Name: Terence : 2009-05-17 05:08 ID:iH3X19hW [Del]

How to uninstall The Unarchiver? I don't know how to uninstall The Unarchiver because it still works even if I move it out of the Application directory. But I found cx.c3.theunarchiver.plist in Users>user>Library>Preferences.

582 Post deleted by user.

583 Name: druzilla : 2009-05-24 23:21 ID:6XGKLvIZ [Del]

Potential 0 day security risk - if you have checked "open the extracted folder" it will open the item automatically if the extracted thing is a Package.

This happened when a friend sent me settings for Boxer which stores its games/settings as packages. It caused Boxer to open and automatically launch the game.

584 Post deleted by user.

585 Name: JP : 2009-05-25 15:40 ID:8DCG7xdH [Del]

There's some shiny new alphas on the google code repo - any clues as to what's changed?

587 Name: someone : 2009-05-31 11:29 ID:HnGqcW9L [Del]

>> 581

The Unarchiver is uninstalled in the same manner as most OS X applications: by dragging the application to the Trash. Optionally, you can delete the plist file, but leaving it in ~/Library/Preferences will not slow your computer down, unlike what happens with the Windows registry.

588 Name: Nico : 2009-06-16 09:33 ID:l02WT+Yd [Del]

Any progress so far, is Unarchiver still in active development?

589 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-06-16 14:35 ID:Heaven [Del]

590 Name: anon : 2009-07-27 17:17 ID:7fV8uu2I [Del]

Gotta say - the 2.0beta3 version works extremely well (MacIntel 10.5.7). Noticeably faster than before, handles RAR decryption rapidly and has a few tweaks like responding to [Enter] key for default responses. Haven't tried massive archives or other decryption types yet.

591 Name: Will Dearborn : 2009-08-07 09:28 ID:X3rVj+uq [Del]

Any chance of the app being 64-bit anytime soon?

592 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-08-07 20:22 ID:whwE1Sh8 [Del]


It's planned to make the library properly 64-bit, at least, but I'm not sure if there's any real gain in making The Unarchiver itself 64-bit at this point.

593 Name: Will Dearborn : 2009-08-09 20:59 ID:6ijlPUKR [Del]

Good to hear. :)

Just bought myself a new MBP and am testing Snow Leopard so all the possibilities with all the new 64-bit apps and the new technologies in SL are very exciting.

594 Name: Foundabug : 2009-08-16 09:29 ID:e0ZPfiBk (Image: 426x224 png, 44 kb) [Del]

src/1250440167777.png: 426x224, 44 kb

Something about this dialog box is not right.

595 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-08-16 10:39 ID:Heaven [Del]


Yes, it's not dialog box from The Unarchiver?

596 Name: Foundabug : 2009-08-17 06:26 ID:e0ZPfiBk [Del]

It's a dialog box from The Unarchiver. Kanji is most likely not Mac OS Roman characters.

597 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-08-17 14:03 ID:whwE1Sh8 [Del]


It is not. I don't know what it is from, but it certainly isn't The Unarchiver.

598 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-19 00:48 ID:gjCeSLnw [Del]


Those specific kanji are not something you want to be unarchiving anyway. Let it sleep in peace.

599 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-08-22 07:02 ID:whwE1Sh8 [Del]

All right, 2.0 is finally done and released!

The homepage has also been cleaned up somewhat, along with the rest of the site:

The change list is something close to this:

  • Support for many new formats and algorithms:

    • Partial support for SITX archives. Most archives should open fine, but SITX's special JPEG compression is unsupported. (If you are a programmer and want to help out with getting this working, I'd be happy to hear from you!) Some preprocessing filters are also unsupported.
    • Other new formats: XAR, ALZip, LZMA-utils, Compact Pro, PackIt, ARJ
    • Encrypted RAR archives.
    • WinZip-style encrypted Zip files using AES.
    • Can decompile NSIS installers to get the files inside. This seems to work for versions all the way back to 1.1o or so, but a lot of guessing is involved so it might fail on some files.
    • More compression types in Zip: Deflate64, bzip2, PPMd, LZMA.
    • More compression types in DiskDoubler (but still not all).
    • Better handling of 7-zip, RAR, LZH, tar and RPM files.
    • Extracting files from several emulation formats, such as NDS and ADF.
    • Bugfixes and streamlining for the user interface.
  • Option for when to create folders for extracted files.
  • Option for how to set the date of extracted folders.

600 Name: marlwin : 2009-08-22 14:15 ID:kkBkQpZH [Del]

Great. Thank you.

601 Name: ElBob : 2009-08-22 17:13 ID:yNl7nTxp [Del]

Fantastic! So glad to see support for encrypted RARs!

602 Name: Stan : 2009-08-23 07:21 ID:njmk/jE6 [Del]

Can we have an option of Never create a new folder for extracted files?

603 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-08-23 08:17 ID:Heaven [Del]


Probably not, it would require me to create all kinds of code to handle file collisions gracefully and I am too lazy for that.

604 Name: chris : 2009-08-23 14:34 ID:38K7Oc3p [Del]

big thank you to the developer, now i can finally move away unrarx. this is simply the best app for extracting files now

605 Name: Foundabug : 2009-08-23 15:05 ID:1nC5N6mp [Del]

You are right. It was from Simple Comic. My bad, got the two confused.

606 Name: tdiaz : 2009-08-24 08:14 ID:2gFaPg5z [Del]

Has this latest release fixed the behavior of the window, in that you can never find it once it gets buried behind something?

It does not show up in Expose, the application is not selectable via the App Switcher. It's like a rogue process once you loose sight of the window.

Does the lack of support for Stuffit JPEGs mean that any archive that has a graphic in it will still fail, and since we have no clue what archives might contain, we should still map the .sit/x files to use Stuffit Expander?

607 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-08-24 12:13 ID:whwE1Sh8 [Del]


Any window that does not have a dock icon will act that way. There seems to be no way around it. It tries to jump to front if it needs your attention.

608 Name: Nico : 2009-08-27 03:30 ID:HC0cz9T1 [Del]

Great work, finally 2.0 can handle passwort protected RARs!
But unfortunately the window always gets itself behind automatically before I can enter the passwort, that is very annoying and it also takes 3-4times longer than with other app such as Betterzip, so maybe you can improve the speed as well.

609 Name: Nico : 2009-08-27 03:30 ID:HC0cz9T1 [Del]

Great work, finally 2.0 can handle passwort protected RARs!
But unfortunately the window always gets itself behind automatically before I can enter the passwort, that is very annoying and it also takes 3-4times longer than with other app such as Betterzip, so maybe you can improve the speed as well.

610 Name: Nico : 2009-08-27 03:32 ID:HC0cz9T1 [Del]

Great work, finally 2.0 can handle passwort protected RARs!
But unfortunately the window always gets itself behind automatically before I can enter the passwort, that is very annoying and decompressing also takes 3-4 times longer than with other apps such as Betterzip, so maybe you can improve the speed as well.

611 Name: Josh Holloway : 2009-08-27 10:10 ID:2FTMhy9m [Del]

I'm having an issue with The Unarchiver 2.0 regarding extraction of encrypted multi-part RARs. They extract fine, but take way too long to do so. I am doing this a lot lately, so it's not just one multi-part RAR that's having trouble, it's every one I try.

I'll give you an example... a recent mutli-part RAR I extracted using The Unarchiver 2.0 took about 3 hours to do. The same multi-part RAR extracted using UnRarX in less than 20 minutes.

Not sure what's going on here, or what I can specifically provide to help. I would love The Unarchiver to by my sole utility for extracting compressed files, but with this problem it's honestly unusable to me for this purpose.

612 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-08-27 14:55 ID:whwE1Sh8 [Del]

Version 2.0.1 released:

This is a minor bugfix release.

  • Should now handle concaternated bzip2 files.
  • Fixes to the Japanese translation.
  • Fixes to the LZMA parser.
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