Need of suggestions and ideas for a new message board software. (98)

25 Name: !PGjrfwPI5Q : 2006-10-02 13:15 ID:ozR+VGGC [Del]

As far as I can tell, it can't. It would make sense if it could, but it's kind of hard to implement (you don't want to allow from, but you want from; and it's different from country to country).
I only tried with Opera though...


>shut it off for reasons of security, privacy, annoyance, or plain paranoia.

Well I never got that.
Security? Sure JavaScript implementations can have some flaws from time to time that say allow arbitrary remote code execution, but even said browsers' HTML parser or who knows... HTTP reply parser can (and did) have these flaws. So why don't these people switch off HTML too following the same reasoning?
Privacy? It looks like one can only connect back to the origin server from JS, so IFRAMES or even images are much worse. Cookies can be set in HTTP headers. Of course if the site has an XSS flaw, injected JS can be evil, but switching JS off is not the best solution...
Annoyance: Yes JS can be used to do some pretty annoying things (this size_field() thing o_O), but sites that stop working annoy me a lot more
So yes, I think it's largely plain paranoia (-_-)

You're right about mobile browsers. It's improving though, my phone runs Opera fine

Yes, bandwidth-bound. That's why I thought distributing load among servers is good. The server-generated-page style script can distribute images across many servers too, not text, but maybe that's not important. However I SUSPECT that a lot of that bandwidth is from people furiously F5ing large threads, which with this kind of script reloads the whole HTML, and on 4chan, queries the server for new versions of CSS and each thumbnail...
Now that's just a webserver misconfiguration but I don't even want to think about how much bandwidth it wastes for them and maybe people hosting my hypothetical large board would have no access to modify their httpd.conf.

An other solution for this would be an XSLT board, but browser support for THAT is really lacking, even more than for JavaScript...

[Now that I think of it this would not be an imageboard any more but more like a real-time chat just with added images...]

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