The detrimental effects of randomly uploaded pornography (72, permasaged)

53 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-02 13:18 ID:aDfT+v3E [Del]

please. Ive wanked several times a day sometimes and it hasn't fucked me up.

nigga plz

I also have to lol @ the people who STILL get hung up on fapping to CP, Guro, Lolicon, etc. Just hide it (truecrypt and whatnot) and you'll be safe. Shit, I've even SHOWN lolicon to people in debate tournaments and in community college. Stop feeling bad over what you fap to. I stopped that a while ago. You must all break free of ths social conditioning.

also regarding the ides that children get fucked over mentally from this:

PROTIP pedophils does not mean an abusive violent person..there can be CONSENSUAL sexual relations with children

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