The detrimental effects of randomly uploaded pornography (72, permasaged)

50 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-23 23:21 ID:Heaven [Del]


This is true. I normally wank it about 2-3 times a day, but taking a break from it for a few days can make the mundane exciting again.

As for /b? Randomly seeing extremely grotesque images after awhile will desensitize you from normal porn, which is why I just stopped going to /b after awhile. You can get a lot of stuff done when you cut porn out of your life, even if just for a while. (I'd never willingly cut porn out of my life entirely, that's for true.)

I enjoy quite a bit of lolicon, myself. Not nearly to the extent that I enjoy yuri or catgirls, but I've still got a fair amount of loli pics. The lolicon art that I partake of is too stylized for me to associate with real children, who I feel less than nothing for. (I actually hate kids. Nothing is as good as fiction.)

However, I just this day saw a young Japanese cosplayer that, despite at most being in high school, had a very alluring beauty about her that I couldn't ignore. Did my loli addiction inspire this? I doubt it. Face it, there is jailbait out there, and every male here has experienced the embarrassment that comes from being attracted to girl who isn't of the age of consent. Being attracted to girls a few years under the age of consent is normal, despite what Dateline NBC may have you believe.

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