The detrimental effects of randomly uploaded pornography (72, permasaged)

32 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-16 20:49 ID:Heaven [Del]

Hmmm, I'm not quite that far gone. I did notice after reading lolicon that I became more self-conscious around minors. I'm not attracted to actual children, I can still view them as innocent. It's more like I'm worrying that others would somehow pick up a strange vibe from me and misinterpret normal behavior as something sinister. It annoys me since I would like to behave in a carefree manner without having that thought in the back of my mind.

It also annoys me that lolicon makes me paranoid. Scratch that, hentai in general is so fucked up that half of what I've collected makes me paranoid. It's absolutely true that the craving for something new leads down some really fucked up paths. And I don't want anybody to trace my paths. It's silly but I try to avoid undue attention on the net nowadays (no more warez and MP3s for me ;_;) out of fear that law enforcement might come and check my drives. I'm not gonna get convicted but that shit is tasteless enough to get me disowned by my family if somebody blabbed.

Yet for all that I can't bring myself to delete the abnormal half of my collection. Hmmm.

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