The detrimental effects of randomly uploaded pornography (72, permasaged)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-07 13:12 ID:a/m1mHkx [Del]

Yes, 4chan has exploded from the looks of it.

Fear not though, for 4chan is like a persistant rash. Well, I suppose its a little less like a rash considering I do get a laugh out of it every so often.

As for Pedos, I think CP only creates new potential rapists. Those who have already been "infected" will find some way to get off, wether it be with illegal content from russian servers or off real children. The only thing the current US law does is help undermine the spread of the -phile.

I myself don't have much of any desire to look at young children and fap to them despite being assaulted by "jailbait" back when 4chan allowed it. But I do see where some people are coming from: porn mostly sucks. Occassionally, you might find a model that doesn't look like she weighs an extra 40 pounds because of make-up, or a model that doesn't overly dress to play to some crazy fetish (grown women that dress in little girls' clothes to play to desperate pedos sicken me), but all in all you need atleast semi-real porn if you want to get off. And considering how most child porn WAS real, you wouldn't have much trouble finding more realistic stuff. That's my take of how everything's degenerated anyway.

Regardless of what happens, just always rememer these golden words:

Internet. Serious business.

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