Let's collect famous nicknames / tripcodes (74)

7 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 08:08 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

Peeps who've been posting on iichan/WAKAchan/4chan and also on Japanese BBS:

ゴミ ◆EBHsswvZUM / !EBHsswvZUM
◆2yLwy9VCps / Dave-o!2yLwy9VCps

Maybe they are the same person, maybe they have the same tripcode as some Japanese person? Inquiring wotakus want to know!

8 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 15:42 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


ルチノー ◆k0TizNlCFk / Laughing Man!k0TizNlCFk

50 Name: Mr.GOMI 2005-09-26 00:36 ID:tQNnfiY5 [Del]


ゴミ◆EBHsswvZUM / !EBHsswvZUM

Whom is , writing my tripcord freely? It is troublesome.

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