I'd like to know what some of these strange, reoccuring online idioms mean that japenese use. One of them is (ry, for instance. Here is a thread for your opportunity to explain them to us online gaijin.
A starting point might be this obscure page here:
BURAKURA (uN�) is popular.
but MAIKURA (}CN�) is no.
mental BURAKURA is popular than MAIKURA (}CN�)
A friend of mine uses PORI PORI (||�), he uses it to say that he's eating something (usually candy).
I've seen a few people using this before, I don't know if it's a common thing on the chans though.
What the Japanese common term for "imageboards" anyway?
I came, I saw, I BURAKURA
My girlfriend uses this as a kind of self-conscious scratching-yourself noise.
(^_^)>" Ehehehehe...
RetH is short for ReEtHrA (kote-phobia)
Re means Ren� (�ènhl[)
A RetH is a person who shows abnormal dislike towards posters with a handle name on BBS.
u}W©v = "wtf?"
maji ka = is this for real? No kidding? Are you serious?
u}W©vis short for u»êÍ^ÊÚÈb�·©v
�¹���Ó¶±� is the Japanese keyboard's QWERTY or fgsfds
"�¹���Ó¶±�" is also funny because it says "Fujiko". True story.
I am seeing "plz" appear on 2channel more and more...
I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.
Let me know when someone draws a character in the plz position. Contortions ahoy!
Yeah, I've spotted a "Ú×plz", which would be a combination of "Ú×L{�" and "source plz" (both of which mean the same thing).
Well, I found it hilarious, at least.
Also, just like how "source plz" keeps mutating just because it's said so often and is such a trite thing to say, the Japanese keep coming up with variations on "Ú×L{�" too. I guess the "plz" is just one of the latest ones.
It isn't actually how you would ram out QWERTY on a Japanese keyboard, it's a particular arrangement (try following the letters) which happens to spell out Fujiko.
plz is YANKEE orz
Results 1 - 10 of about 4,870 from 2ch.net for plz. (0.03 seconds)
Results 1 - 10 of about 3,510 from 2ch.net for "Ú×¾³¢"
Results 1 - 10 of about 9,630 from 2ch.net for "Ú×plz"
Results 1 - 5 of 5 from 2ch.net for Ú׺³¢.
"Kote-phobia" explanation (in >>112) can now be looked up in
I posted that one!
What does "gb2/something" mean?
"get back to -something-"
probably from old colonial / racist exclamations of wanting economic / refugee immigrants of former slave classes to "get back to africa (and stop stealing our jobs)" etc. In this case usually an expression of the poster informing the subject that they are in the wrong board section (or wrong board altogether) and where they should go to ("take" their wrong-subject post "back" to).
e.g. someone within the 4chan lot puts a pornographic post on a board about kittens... incensed felophile orders them to "gb2/h/ !!!1" and might well request "modz" to have them "b&" (b-and, banned)
might also be written in this case as a more simple "gb2h" without the slashes... if they posted something that was not allowed on the board but allowed on another (e.g. iichan not 4chan) there would be "gb2/iichan".... and for things that are just plain wrong and have no home, there's the universal GTFO (get the f--- out)
easy enough when you know how ;)
>>129 is wrong, it comes from SA. Anyway, this is the wrong thread for this.
>>132 is the strangest spam yet.
I shortened this list to words that are used in the West, and put it up here:
More like the GIF exploitx0r or something. Oh well, might as well delete it.
RoÌbèÌÝOK�·B æ�UPÂ\ÈÌ�A ... Ro Bbs. RoÌbèÌÝOK�·B æ�UPÂ\ÈÌ�A�ñ�ñ�¤¼~S(V���)m ... {�qn�är·é�. Basel¾o±l{¦ 50{. Jobl¾o±l{¦ 50{ ...
Man, that's the most incompetent spamming I've seen in years.