I'll replace my page with it but I really don't like frames. I also think the main thing should not be about attribution just about doing the navigation.
I don't think I understand what you mean with >>19
Basically, I always wanted to have such a thing for myself to use,
so I expanded on what was already there. It's not only navigation
for me but also some sort of memory table. If people want to make
a different version of it with better focus on navigation, I am fine with that.
And I don't think you should give up your own thing.
http://www.2chan.net/ascii/index2.html is not an ASCII Art board.
I suppose it stands for something else, likewise as http://sakura03.bbspink.com/ascii2d/ http://idol.bbspink.com/ascii2kana/ and http://sakura01.bbspink.com/ascii/