The Wakaba and Kareha support thread, part 3 (535)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2011-01-07 09:57 ID:eLRTX7Vk [Del]

This thread is for all your simple questions about installing and running Wakaba or Kareha, that just require quick answers. Please don't create new threads for issues like that, post them in here instead.

Before posting, check that the question has not already been answered in this thread, or in the previous two threads:

Also check the documentation:

There is also a setup guide by Anon:

Questions about "500 Internal Server Errors" go in this thread:

531 Name: Someone : 2017-06-28 13:19 ID:SILa/nS1 [Del]


Why is it that on 10.12.5 the AppStore version of The Unarchiver asks for permission to extract into every new folder that it extracts to? The standalone, non-Appstore version doesn't ask for that. It would be nice if that would be fixed, as, otherwise, it's quite annoying.

532 Name: Anonymous : 2017-07-11 17:52 ID:88d+n3nj [Del]

This is several years late, but has that patch been posted anywhere?

533 Name: Anonymous : 2017-07-15 03:49 ID:GTJ2uJTR [Del]

Is there any way to do this:

While creating new thread, if there's another thread with "exact" same title, post the message as a reply to the already existed thread.

For example, if there's a thread which has a title as "apple" and someone else tries to create thread for "apple", add the second message to the already created thread before.


534 Post deleted by user.

535 Name: Anonymous : 2017-07-18 14:16 ID:Heaven [Del]

What are you using and what version? It doesn't look I can replicate it in Wakaba.

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