The Wakaba and Kareha support thread, part 3 (535)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2011-01-07 09:57 ID:eLRTX7Vk [Del]

This thread is for all your simple questions about installing and running Wakaba or Kareha, that just require quick answers. Please don't create new threads for issues like that, post them in here instead.

Before posting, check that the question has not already been answered in this thread, or in the previous two threads:

Also check the documentation:

There is also a setup guide by Anon:

Questions about "500 Internal Server Errors" go in this thread:

2 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-07 10:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

The header of the board still points to the support thread part 2. Just thought I'd tell you.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-07 14:38 ID:M22ovTpD [Del]

Here's a simple one, can you add boards? Is it done through the config file or the Management Panel? Thanks.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-08 01:09 ID:Heaven [Del]

You copy your Kareha directory somewhere else. There's no option of sub-forums or anything like that. You can only have different instances of Kareha in different folders.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-08 01:24 ID:ivkZbDfv [Del]

Why are there secret options in the first place? Wouldn't it be easier to release them and be done with it instead of being secretive?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-08 09:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

What secret options are you talking about? If you're referring to the SecretFeatures page on the documentation wiki, that's just undocumented features which are included.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-08 10:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

Exactly those. Why not document them?

8 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2011-01-08 12:19 ID:eLRTX7Vk [Del]


Because they are jokes and not meant to be used.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-08 12:26 ID:Heaven [Del]

If we have "useless" functions like that, why not go for stupid things like stickies too?

10 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-08 23:47 ID:Heaven [Del]

because the joke features are amusing, while stickies just turn boards into shit.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-11 09:03 ID:kgaG5Vpe [Del]

from previous thread

987 Name: Anonymous
i turned on function stops Wakaba from renaming image files, but the cyrillic characters look really weird, like укр.jpg.
Can you help me make wakaba show cyrillic names correctly?

989 Name: akane!!xU6Yb/f1
>>987 use UTF-8?

990 Name: Anonymous
i do use!
i set use encoding 'utf-8' in the beginning of Strings_en, but it does not help

991 Name: Anonymous
Check your server's configuration. The files have to be served as UTF-8, and that is outside of Wakaba's realm. Specifically, the Content-Type header needs to have a charset=utf-8.


I added line <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> to but nothing changed. Am I doing smthing wrong?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-11 21:35 ID:Heaven [Del]

use utf-8 in the file names.

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