Hey guys, I'm wondering if there is a simpler way to upload large amounts of images to kareha, I dont have many of the spam protection options on (ie the catchpa is off, but the traps are on)
I was wondering if there was a simpler way to upload a ton of pics and still have them in threads.. I've tried a few different uploader apps, but they are for waka not kareha and dont seem to work even when I remove all spam filtering options.
I know i can upload the images somewhere and link to it, but that kinda defeats the purpose..
ATM i just open the "reply" link in a fair few tabs and submit each image.. Even if i can get FF to automagically pick the next image I'd be happy.
I'm the admin of the site so shell/ftp access is possible.
You'll have to hack up a script to do it; there's nothing built-in to kareha to make this easy.
Does anyone already have something hacked up??
Sure I can read and modify the occasional line of someone elses code (php) but write my own.. I'm not that good :)