Help setting up a Ban screen (9)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-07 20:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

Eh, people get all caught up in using mod_rewrite for situations like this where there's a much simpler way to do it.
I've found a simpler solution is to have a 403 page defined in a .htaccess within the board's directory. (I moved the .htaccess bundled with Kareha into my site's toplevel directory, rather than duplicating it everywhere.) Supposing you were making such a setup for this board, this would go into htdocs/sup/.htaccess:

ErrorDocument 403 /banned.html
Order deny, allow
Deny from

... and so forth for each ip you want to ban from reading the board.

Then you could add something like this to do_ban in

open HTACCESS, ">>", ".htaccess" or die "Could not open .htaccess for writing";
print HTACCESS "# $reason\nDeny from $ip\n";

It would be more useful (although considerably more in-depth as well) to add a couple radio buttons to the admin panel to do this: "ban from viewing board" vs. "ban from posting only".

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