The Unarchiver (1000)

958 Name: Anders : 2011-06-22 06:05 ID:lFvzlY+k [Del]

I have also seen the problem with the AppStore installation. It looks like it's been installed but the app is not there.

First I used Cocktail to clean out my caches. I have had the Unarchiver installed before so I suspected that something old was in the way.

The next time I installed in the AppStore I went to the Dock and command clicked the installation icon as it was downloading. A command click on a Dock item = take me to this apps folder.

So I found where it was hiding. And very strange it had installed in a Dreamweaver folder way down in the Library.

/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver\ CS5.5/sv_SE/Configuration/Shared/Extend/The\

Dragging it from there required my admin password. This is because the AppStore apps are not "owned" by me as an admin but by the system.

So the app now works and AppStore also thinks it is installed. Let's wait and see what happens when the next update arrives.

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