The Unarchiver (1000)

770 Name: MM : 2010-05-12 23:28 ID:w8pThBaS (Image: 562x135 png, 20 kb) [Del]

src/1273732138624.png: 562x135, 20 kb

When prompting for a password, the name of the file needing the password isn't shown anywhere. If you'd queued up a bunch of files to decompress and one somewhere in the middle needs a password, this is sort of annoying.

I took a couple minutes and tweaked the PasswordView nib to have a line above that shows the same data as the top line in ProgressView so that the filename is visible, but I don't really love the layout. I've attached a screenshot.

I'd love it if this issue were confronted in this or some other way in a future version.

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