The Unarchiver (1000)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-01 16:32 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

So. I kind of like, the default OS X unzipping utility. However, it has quite a number of limitations. Most other unarchivers on OS X have interfaces that I don't like, or just don't work very well. Also, thanks to Windows' idiotic idea of using the current system encoding for filenames, I have tons of archives from Japan with Shift_JIS filenames, which none of the unarchivers on OS X I've tried will handle properly.

And so I, because I obviously don't have enough to do already, get the idea that I need to write a better unarchiver. Features I think it needs include:

  • Handle as many formats as possible. Not just Zip and Tar-Gzip, but RAR, 7-Zip, LhA, StuffIt, and anything else you can think of.
  • Handle non-UTF8 filenames, perferrably automatically.
  • Have a simple and straightforward interface like
  • Not leave .tar files lying around when unpacking .tar.gz files and the like.
  • As a side benefit, produce some code that can be re-used to add archive support to Xee (so this whole project doesn't just steal time I could be working on Xee instead).

For actual information on the current state of this project, read on!

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-01 17:20 ID:6NZh6CPE [Del]

Is this universal if not then you need to DIE.

8 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-01 17:22 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

It's universal, but I have no idea if it works right on Intel. There might very well be endianness issues in the various pieces of code. I'd especially like to know if the RAR and 7-Zip code works right on Intel, so get testing.

9 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-01 17:34 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

Ok, first obvious bug: Xcode has somehow messed up the framework linking, and this won't launch at all on most machines! Stay tuned for alpha 2!

10 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-01 19:21 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

All right, fixed! Big thanks to Rich Siegel for untangling my linking issues.

11 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-07 18:39 ID:3em7Hrs8 (Image: 560x560 jpg, 113 kb) [Del]

src/1152322766966.jpg: 560x560, 113 kb

Alpha 3 is done. It is pretty much feature-complete for 1.0. However, it still has no icons. I have some help for that lined up, though, but I don't know how long that will take. In the meantime, for testing purposes, the archive icons are replaced by a picture of Aruruw sitting in a box.

Changes since the last version include:

  • Bugfixed file type declarations.
  • Interface for easily associating (and un-associating) archives with The Unarchiver, making it easy to install and remove.
  • Working password interface.
  • Bugfixes for bzip2 archives.
  • Various other bugfixes.

I could really use some testing results from this, successful or not. I'd really like to know if it is working at all for whatever archives you have lying around!

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-08 02:22 ID:IH7W0cgt [Del]

It runs on my Power Mac G4. I am trying to unpack some splitted ace archives that unace on GNU/Linux didn't manage to fix, and it seemed to work in The Unarchiver! I'd like if it had an option to select where to unpack the files to, though.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-08 02:32 ID:IH7W0cgt [Del]

Oh no, it didn't extract after all. But those archives could be rotten. I'm going to make it my default unarchiver anyway.

14 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-08 05:31 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


It doesn't support Ace 2, sadly, just Ace 1. Ace 2 is propriatary and undocumented, as far as I know. It really would be nice if somebody would add support for it to libxad, but I think it's beyond my abilities to do.

15 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-08 14:59 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

An enough-coding-for-tonight release. Features better control over filename encodings, and better fallbacks when the autodetection isn't sure about the encoding.

16 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-09 13:20 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

Some GUI bugfixes and optimizations, and support for OS X-specific features in .tar and .cpio files (as created by OS X's version of tar, and ditto, respectively).

17 Name: Shadowless : 2006-07-10 19:40 ID:spfxpfE6 (Image: 128x128 png, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1152585645269.png: 128x128, 12 kb

Repost for great justice.

18 Name: Shadowless : 2006-07-10 22:21 ID:spfxpfE6 [Del]

Uh, the thumbnail doesn't look very good, probably because of something about the way the graphics program exported the PNG, or the way the thumbnail was made. But, uh, if you click on it it the original looks a lot better. At least, it does for me. Sorry about the double post.

19 Post deleted by user.

20 Post deleted by user.

21 Name: Shadowless : 2006-07-12 10:16 ID:v9fMNfL8 (Image: 128x128 png, 18 kb) [Del]

src/1152724563124.png: 128x128, 18 kb

When I think of something to open up boxes with, a box cutter comes to mind. Perhaps it could be seen in bad taste, but it seems pretty natural.
I expect that the thumbnail will look bad again, due to the transparent PNG.
Third version adds the background.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-13 23:51 ID:6Vmmr3xz [Del]

adding "-background white -flatten" to the convert command line in wakaba and kareha would probably fix that problem...

23 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-15 04:16 ID:IH7W0cgt [Del]

The Unarchiver unpacked some of my SHIFT_JIS encoded archives with no problems! I love this application. If it'd only been ported to GTK+-2 as well···

24 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. : 2006-07-16 09:50 ID:nk1sRSwV [Del]

It messes up the filenames on the sit here.

25 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-17 10:55 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


Oh yeah, SIT filenames aren't necessarily correct. I should look into that.

26 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-25 16:46 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

Ok, let's call this feature-complete and thus, beta.

Now with icons! Made by Adam Betts, infamous creator of the Adium duck. There's no proper main program icon yet, though, just a placeholder for now. That will come with the final release version, probably. Funnily enough, he also decided on a boxcutter theme for it. Sorry to >>21 for not using his icon, but I'd already talked to Adam at that point about it.

Also, >>24 should be fixed.

27 Name: Shadowless : 2006-07-27 00:33 ID:spfxpfE6 [Del]

I suppose it's my own fault for making them. I could certainly make the cutter look a little bit shinier and aqua-esque... but then, I only spent a day on it. Even if nobody uses it, I kinda like how it turned out, and if Betts uses a cutter, too, then it must have been a pretty good idea.

Me, I never liked the duck. Memorable though it may be. That's right! I'm a-callin' you out, Betts! Dreeeaaw! No, but seriously, I'll be interested to see what a real artist can do with it. And I hope you end up using his icon because it's better, too.

And I hope you come up with a catchier name, by the way. I always kind of assumed that it was a working title, frankly.

28 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-27 04:56 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

I always end up using dumbass titles for programs. I kind of like this one though because of the implication that it's just the unarchiver, as opposed to one out of several. Also "Open With -> The Unarchiver" is pretty clear and descriptive.

It's a bit ungooglable unless you include the "The", though.

If anyone has a catchier name for it, I will definitely consider it, though.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-27 18:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

"rip it open"?

30 Name: Drew Thaler : 2006-07-27 20:14 ID:j4dieezt (Image: 170x94 jpg, 8 kb) [Del]

src/1154056480490.jpg: 170x94, 8 kb

Speaking of box cutters, there's a multipurpose box- and blister-pack opener tool call "OpenX", which also happens to be a great potential name for The Unarchiver. Maybe it'd be possible to get a permanent license from those guys to use both the name and a picture of the tool. Free publicity for them, catchy name and nice icon for the product. ;-)

I wouldn't do it for anything less than permanent licensing, or for more than the cost of a simple reciprocal link to their homepage. But it's a thought.

31 Name: Adam Betts : 2006-07-30 12:44 ID:/Tz6iLIT (Image: 468x209 jpg, 48 kb) [Del]

src/1154288659849.jpg: 468x209, 48 kb

That tool would be a little too complex for 128x128 icon, people will have a hard time figuring it out. What I'm going to do is make a very basic box cutter so it will scale very well. 32x32 is around the size everyone will see a lot. I don't have time to do them right now but soon I will.

By the way, here's a mockup of The Unarchiver window in black HUD. I know author said he doesn't want to do it since it's not easy to do but my friend Jan Van Boghout is willing to do it if he have the source code.

Beautiful window like this will definitely get a lot more people to download The Unarchiver :)

32 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-08-02 12:10 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

A random thought popped into my head: Since the theme for the icons is packages and opening them, would "The Unpacker" be a better name, or not? More or less recognizable? More or less Googlable? More or less cheesy?

33 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-02 13:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

When I read that, I only saw: "The Fudgepacker"

I've been spending too much time on /b/.

34 Name: Shadowless : 2006-08-02 20:29 ID:spfxpfE6 [Del]

Unarchiver is at least one syllable too long. I've actually been calling it Unpacker every time I saw it...

Also, black is kinda neat, but frankly I'm against it until you at least have the standard set of buttons on that window, sir. Which would be easy enough to fix, I guess.

But there are ways to change how OS X looks, and it seems like somebody who wants black windows might already have done that to their system... at which point, the Unpacker is just going to stand out as different, right? I know I'm just a fuddy-duddy, but I like my user interfaces standard. Apple has been doing a very bad job with that recently, but that doesn't mean we all have to jump off the bridge.

35 Name: Adam Betts : 2006-08-04 08:28 ID:/Tz6iLIT [Del]

That black HUD window is actually the newest standard. You can find it in Apple's iPhoto, Aperture, Motion, etc.

More and more developers are using it for palettes/window that doesn't need full white space.

It's not about me wanting a black window just for the sake of it, it's excellent for usability since it's light weight with transparency and has flat look which look much more professional and stay out of your face.

36 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-08-04 12:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

Hopefully Apple will add a public API to use that style. That'd make it an easy change.

But I fear that might not be until 10.5, if at all.

37 Name: dot.and.thing : 2006-08-12 07:11 ID:Ed/DWHtt [Del]

do you distibute source of?

38 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-08-12 07:46 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

I was meaning to release the source at the same time as the final version, since development is not in a very stable state until then, but if you really want it, I can upload a copy of it before that, too.

39 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-08-15 15:02 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

New version with some bugfixes:

  • Fixes problems with directory structures in Japanese archives.
  • Fixes problems with data forks in some StuffIt files.

40 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-15 15:08 ID:Zh99oE+d [Del]


41 Name: Shii : 2006-08-15 20:06 ID:2+W9GL+O [Del]

> That black HUD window is actually the newest standard.

Brushed Metal is gonna be so pissed

42 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 10:43 ID:6HuiGkT1 [Del]

> Brushed Metal is gonna be so pissed

Brushed Metal is so ugly!

43 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-05 20:03 ID:ZAkleZoP [Del]

Any updates?

44 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-09-05 22:06 ID:Heaven [Del]

I hope WAHa doesn't mind me pasting this:

< WAHa_06x36> onii-chan: I've had The Unarchiver in beta 
for MONTHS now, and I haven't gotten a single bug report
except from MrVacBob, and that one has a much larger
possible user base.

If you want updates, maybe submitting a bug report or two would make him happy?

45 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-06 03:54 ID:Heaven [Del]

At this point I am mainly waiting for a final icon (I should probably kick Adam's ass a bit), and in the meanwhile any final theoretical bug reports.

46 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-13 09:47 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

47 Name: cal6n : 2006-09-13 11:06 ID:H/GadCLk [Del]


Nice idea. I'm going to try it as an alternative to allume's bloatware!

I'll post as I find issues, but here's one right away. It doesn't play well with .sitx files.



48 Name: cal6n : 2006-09-13 11:12 ID:H/GadCLk [Del]

Ooops! Found it.

Sorry, I was reading the latest posts only, not the full thread.

49 Name: TM : 2006-09-13 11:13 ID:YEKCraNv [Del]

I tried beta version, everthing seemed fine except that "File name encoding" didn't work. I couldn't read it in the advanced menu of the preferences. Just lines of the strange characters in the menu...

As for the version 1.0, I couldn't even start it.
I tried to throw away the old preference file, but I couldn't find it.
No way.

My enviroment is OS 10.4.7.
I use my Mac in Japanese, English and French.

Anyway, I appreciate your work.

50 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-13 11:42 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


Can you open and see if it lists any error message from The Unarchiver?

51 Name: TM : 2006-09-13 13:16 ID:YEKCraNv [Del]

Yes, I tried.
But there is nothing in the log.
I erased the log before I opened the unarchiver.

This time, the preference window is opened.
But the application menu didn't appear. No application icon in the Doc.
I had to open the activity monitor to quit it.

I've never seen things like that!

52 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-13 14:59 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


It is set up to not use an icon when it opens archives, just like However, this means it also doesn't show an icon when you open the preferences window. However, you can quit it by just closing the window.

Normally, you don't open the program directly, you just let the operating system open archives using it. (Again, like BOMArchiveHelper does.)

53 Name: TM : 2006-09-13 15:37 ID:YEKCraNv [Del]

OK, so it's a normal behaviour.
For the file name encoding, I choose "Ditect automatically".
But other choices are unreadable.
Is it normal, or do you know a solution?

54 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-13 16:41 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


It's probably a bug in the program. The way the program has to get this list is kind of strange, and I probably got the code wrong somewhere along the line. You usually do not need the list, so it's not a big problem. I'll try to fix it for the next version.

55 Name: chumsdock : 2006-09-13 19:52 ID:/Q7/XCCa [Del]

How can I choose not to "mkdir" when it unarchieves?
Sometimes it get many unnecessary folders.

56 Name: emd : 2006-09-13 20:19 ID:0qWhyXDy [Del]

It crashes on start up. Does it require Tiger?

57 Name: Peter Hosey : 2006-09-14 02:03 ID:gm1G3cWM [Del]

I tried it on the tbz file for my plus and minus icons, and it didn't do anything: it simply showed me the “Preparing to extract “plusminus-1.0.tbz”” dialog. Clicking Cancel does nothing but disable the cancel button. I must force-quit the app to get it to stop its barber pole. Nothing is written to console.log.

Regarding the icon: I love it. ☺

58 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-14 02:43 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


There's no option for it, but it should not create a new diretory if there is only a single base directory in the archive. If you are getting several single directories inside each other, it's probably because that's how the archive is stored.


I haven't checked, but it probably does.


I can't find the .tbz file on that site. If you have it, mail it to me.

59 Name: starless : 2006-09-14 04:48 ID:YpdwweA4 [Del]

Thanks, another really needed app like Xee :).
Seems to work fine until now here on OS 10.4.7 PPC, but it didn't associate itself to archive file types although I selected all file types in its preferences. I suppose I should associate them manually, but I'll wait because it lacks one feature important to me: choosing a default unarchive destination.
As far as I can see, it currently unarchives files in the same folder where the archive resides, while I prefer unarchiving them on my desktop. Is it a planned feature for the future?

60 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-14 05:24 ID:TxhTWMUf [Del]


The OS X API for associating with filetypes is still kind of broken. Also, if you're using a Mozilla-based browser, the browser has this super-annoying behaviour where it will set a filetype and creator on the files it downloads, but will NOT get the right one. It's a reported bug, I've tried voting for it and mentioning it needs to be fixed, but nobody cares.

If that turns out to be your problem (if, say, files downloaded through other means open in The Unarchiver but files downloaded in Firefox or Camino open in something else), go vote for and post in

A default unarchive destination was not something I planned but it would be easy enough to do if I just stuff it in the advanced preferences, so I guess I'll look into that for 1.1.

61 Name: withname : 2006-09-14 09:04 ID:hp/CaklU [Del]

can't unzip archives with password protection :(

62 Name: withname : 2006-09-14 09:05 ID:hp/CaklU [Del]

can't unzip archives with password protection :(

63 Name: cedric : 2006-09-14 10:05 ID:zHd5IqK0 [Del]

The latest archive of MacTranslator (testet with 0.10 and 0.11) from will produce a checksum error on decompression, whereas will do just fine. If you do the decompression in PathFinder instead of Finder, The Unarchiver will not even display the dialog box containing the error. This freezes The Unarchiver and leaves no option to decompress any more archives.

I assume both of the described problems are bugs?

64 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-14 10:34 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


You can extract some of them. However, there are many kinds of password-protected zip files. Send me the file and password and I will look into it.


That's funny, I got another similar report, and that one failed on the exact same file in another archive! This is kind of funny.

The second sort of sounds like a bug in PathFinder, but I am largely unfamiliar with it. Does list any errors?

65 Name: emd : 2006-09-14 14:18 ID:Tjc1MyH/ [Del]

If it does require Tiger, you should state that on the page.


66 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-14 18:50 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


I just fixed this.

67 Name: Marcel_75 : 2006-09-15 02:28 ID:A/7U9oay [Del]

Cool app, but are there future-plans to support also compressing and not "only" uncompressing?

Would be great to have the PopUp-Window if you right-click on files/folders and don't have to choose only the Apple-implementation of .zip-archive but also from your application and the choice of .rar, .7z and so on…

68 Name: Marcel_75 : 2006-09-15 02:35 ID:A/7U9oay [Del]

PS: I know, the name of the application is "Unarchiver", so maybe we need a new name also to satisfy my wish… ;-)

69 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-15 03:26 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


No, not really. I think compression and uncompression are such different tasks that you are better off using different programs for each. A lot of decompression programs on Windows, at least, are kind of unintuitive and bloated because they combine compression and decompression in the same interface, and I want to avoid that.

Also, I think that using plain .zip is usually the best idea anyway, and OS X's built-in archiver is good enough for that.

70 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-15 12:09 ID:RfOTjNNY [Del]

I have feature request:
Reveal in Finder after unarchiving.

If I open archive from a web browser (I have Opera in mind), it would just unarchive it somewhere to my download folder, which I have to open myself. I'd love if unarchiver could save me that hassle.

It'd be best if that function worked only for archives opened from other app than finder (or only for chosen list of apps?)

71 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-15 15:27 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


Hmmm. I am not sure the app is told what program launched it. But I'll think about that feature.

72 Name: Peter Hosey : 2006-09-15 20:53 ID:OIyL+3Pm [Del]

It is; using sysctl, you can determine your process's parent process. Unfortunately, this will always be WindowServer, except in rare circumstances (launched from Xcode, executable run directly in Terminal). And even if the parent process was the application that launched the file, that would not help if another file was launched while The Unarchiver was working on the first one (in which case the existing Unarchiver process would be used, rather than a new one created).

73 Name: Spacedog : 2006-09-16 08:37 ID:1OGMq/+V [Del]

Just wanted to chime in and say 'thank you!' for this wonderful little app: fast, beautiful, fast, perfectly integrated, fast (did I say it's fast? :-)

Oh, and I'd like to add my vote of preference for the "black UI": as Adam Betts said, it's more and more used and its wonderful "not in your face" look is perfect for The Unarchiver (Apple is also using it in the upcoming Web Inspector in Safari, and it couldn't look more elegant: )

74 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-16 11:05 ID:Heaven [Del]


If there was an easy way to add it, I would do it. I wonder how Safari implements it. I guess I'll have to dig into the source.

75 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-16 12:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

Ok, I did, and it turns out they build the whole thing with HTML. I definitely won't be doing THAT.

However, if anybody wants to implement the black GUI (without doing it in a WebView), I'd be happy to add it, especially if it's optional.

76 Name: Andrew : 2006-09-16 23:30 ID:/sD6Khnd [Del]

It won’t decode Sitx files, that is Stuffit deluxe files that require a password to unstuff.

77 Name: Nick : 2006-09-17 01:56 ID:WGpztQO4 [Del]

Thanks, I love this alternative to Stuffit expander.
Any chance of a preference to delete compressed file by default on expansion? That would be a huge improvement for me. Better still with reverse behaviour when Option-double-clicking.

78 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-17 06:39 ID:+QbPmvSO [Del]

Using version 1.0 on Intel Mac Mini.

When I try to extract the VirtueDektops 0.53r220 zip, it gives me a checksum error on a PNG file. The link to the ZIP is:

And yeah, the filename encoding dropdown is all messed up on my system too. I'm happy with Unarchiver the way it is, especially the smart create-folder-only-as-necessary feature.

79 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-17 07:41 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

SITX is not supported because it is completely propietary, undocumented and un-reverse-engineered, to my knowledge. If this ever changes, support might be added. I know I'd like to get rid of the last reason to keep StuffIt on my system. But as it is, adding support is beyond my capabilities.

80 Name: kL : 2006-09-17 09:24 ID:RfOTjNNY [Del]

Another suggestion:
Move archive to trash after unarchiving

In most cases I don't care about keeping archive when I have the files I wanted - for example when I download widget or a dmg file, the archive just litters my desktop/download folders.

I think moving to trash is enough safety here. This feature could also not delete large (500mb+?) files, assuming that these could be backups or just time-consuming to recreate.

81 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-17 12:43 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

Version 1.1 released:

  • Added the automatic deletion and opening options requested.
  • Added the option to always extract to a user-specified folder.
  • Fixed the opening-behind-other-windows bug.
  • Fixed a number of the extraction bugs reported (although not quite all, either because I lacked a test case or because it involved files being too broken).

Incidentially, I'd welcome some outside help with this project. I have a lot of other things to work on, and don't have much time to work on this. There are a number of things that would be great to have, starting with sitx support, and stuff like better support for encryption of zips and rars, better 7-zip support, more formats, and so on.

82 Name: Eric O'Brien : 2006-09-17 21:37 ID:MKChjSuR [Del]

PLEASE add version resources to your code!

In the Finder, version 1.0 looks IDENTICAL to version 1.1. I need to be able to know which version of the program file I am looking at.



83 Name: Peter Hosey : 2006-09-17 22:51 ID:X0gbJhHD [Del]


“sitx” doesn't mean that the file is encrypted; it means that it is in StuffIt X format, which is Allume's replacement for the older StuffIt 5.5 format (and its predecessors).

84 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-18 04:34 ID:Heaven [Del]


It uses the standard Info.plist version field.

85 Name: Peter Hosey : 2006-09-18 21:08 ID:92e/T+Iv [Del]


Right, but that's not visible from the Finder. The suggestion (which I made and Eric O'Brien made) is to put the version into the Finder Get Info string so that the versions of two Unarchiver app bundles can be compared from the Finder.

86 Name: Screens : 2006-09-19 11:44 ID:FOb33Zwp [Del]

One thing i realy miss is "Extract where" -> "Ask" like Stuff-it, it this is included in next version i'll delete stuff-it as fast as i can :)

87 Name: Brian : 2006-09-20 23:17 ID:TIlE7+Xk [Del]

Where is the preference file? The pref pane has gone all unresponsive and I can't alter what Unarchiver should handle. I reinstalled but my selection stayed so somewhere there is a file. Thanks. Oh, by the way, great job. Stuff-it always seemed like it was on the verge of crashing. Funny thing, I was testing relative speeds between your app and stuff-it and stuff-it just crashed on the archive. Ha Ha. I knew it sucked but it hadn't really crashed in a while. My decision was made.

88 Name: Theo : 2006-09-21 01:02 ID:LNhnyMR4 [Del]

this may sound silly but im new to mac... i just got my macbook recently..

how do you install The Unarchiver 1.1 to the mac os X?

89 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-21 02:45 ID:Heaven [Del]


The associations aren't stored in a preferences file, but the previous ones are, and there's a bug where those get corrupted, so that might be your problem. It should be at ~/Library/Preferences/cx.c3.xee.plist.


Just drag it where you want it, usually the Applications folder. This is how you normally install program on OS X.

90 Name: FV Hip : 2006-09-21 09:55 ID:4pjW6Lo2 [Del]

I've been looking at this as a replacement for Stuffit Expander at work (Freeverse Software).

But all of our .sit files produce an empty folder. Is it because we use an older .sit file (compatible with OS 9) for our games?

91 Name: Brian : 2006-09-21 10:17 ID:TIlE7+Xk [Del]

Thanks !WAHa.06x36.
All selectable now.

92 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-21 11:02 ID:Heaven [Del]


Send me some test files.

93 Name: aadm : 2006-09-21 15:39 ID:S9dd6Jte [Del]

same problem as in 90; does not work with my .sit archives. Try for example Nikon Scan 4.0, downloadable from

94 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-21 16:36 ID:Heaven [Del]


That file extracts fine on my macine.

  1. What hardware are you running on?
  2. Do you get any errors on the console? (Open /Applications/Utilities/

95 Name: Shawn Grimes : 2006-09-21 21:15 ID:16sS6dkf [Del]

Great program but I am having a bit of an issue with just plain .sit files. Whenever I extract one, the folder that is extracted is empty. Like .sit files from this site for example. Anyone else having this issue?

Other than that, great little program.

96 Name: LvP : 2006-09-22 02:26 ID:CSGZFd30 [Del]

I have a bug setting preferences :
In "Archive Formats" I clicked "Select all" then I changed my mind and clicked "Deselect all". "Deselect All" only deselect the first file format (zip). I also can't manually deselect the others.
Mac OS 10.4.7 PPC French language selected

97 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-22 03:23 ID:Heaven [Del]


Yes, others are having this issue, but I can't reproduce it. I really need to know what hardware this is happening on, and if it's producing any errors on the console.


See >>87,89.

98 Name: kL : 2006-09-22 05:45 ID:RfOTjNNY [Del]

Thanks for the changes in 1.1! :)

I've got one more idea:
Automatically open extracted .dmg files (if there is only one .dmg in archive)

99 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-09-22 15:05 ID:A6YXFgnG [Del]

Like some others I am having a problem with SIT files and I found the following in my System.Log file which seem to relate to trying to extract a SIT file:

Sep 22 23:00:08 simon-wolfs-computer kernel[0]: HFS: /rsrc paths are deprecated (..namedfork/rsrc)

However, BetterZip also produces empty folders so I am now wondering if this is a problem in the OS rather than with your application. I am running 10.4.7 on an 2 GHz Intel Core Duo MacBook with 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM.

100 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-22 16:15 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


Ooh! That finally explains what is going on! Many thanks!

I am not entirely sure how to fix that, but now that I know what's going on, I should finally be able to do something about it.

101 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-22 16:43 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


Could you do one more thing? Extract an archive to get an empty folder, and then open up the Terminal, cd into that directory, and run ls -la there?

102 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-09-22 16:58 ID:A6YXFgnG [Del]

I get this:

simon-wolfs-computer:~/Desktop/DevCon2006 Simon$ ls -la
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 Simon Simon 68 Jun 1 11:40 .
drwx------ 14 Simon Simon 476 Sep 23 00:51 ..

I have also had a situation where extracting a SIT file results in a directory being created but it being invisible to Finder. The logs have the same error message for this. Creating a new directory to force a refresh didn't help.

103 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-22 18:33 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


Does the extraction progress window show up at all? Does it show any of the names of files it is supposed to extract?

104 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-09-23 00:35 ID:q2hd2K0T [Del]

An extraction window flashes up very, very briefly so I cannot see what it is reporting.

105 Name: Nick : 2006-09-24 00:59 ID:SdaPY55Z [Del]

Minor problem I'm having with 1.1:
The icons for some files are not showing up. For example, .zip (which is associated to Unarchiver) shows up as the unknown document icon (blank page) instead of the nice brown package icon. Works fine for others (RAR, for example).

Any thoughts?

Thanks for this app, it's soooo much nicer than StuffIt.

106 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-09-24 02:45 ID:YNGiBvj0 [Del]

I should add that I have the same problem as Nick with my SIT files.

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