The Wakaba and Kareha support thread (1000)

746 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-09 23:45 ID:Tf3m0vtC [Del]

I'm sorry if I didn't lurked enough, though I tried. But I'm almost complete noob and I need some help installing Kareha.

  1. I must extract Kareha archive in every folder that will be on BBS, don't I? (i.e. each folder (/music/, /text/, etc) must have its own set of files including and others)
  2. What configuration changes I should make to Apache in order to run scripts from those folders not from /cgi/ or /cgi-bin/ folders? Where those changes should be implemented? How do I make Apache to run those scripts? (Perl is installed and working)
  3. How do I disable HTML formatting? Or even set "WakabaMark" only?
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