The Wakaba and Kareha support thread (1000)

607 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-24 14:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

alright so it must be my browser.

about the md5 hashes: i'm being sued (have been for a long while) by a particular artist over copyright infringement. all because people posted his works on some of my imageboards. my plan is to take every image of his that i can find, round up the MD5 hashes and only those ones, and ban these from being posted. it's very troublesome to wake up to see that some spammer posted a bunch of his images while all of our mods are away. this almost always leads to more DMCAs. I've had over FORTY in the last two years just from this one artist. You don't want to know the actual total..

Case in point.. it would be really really helpful. I know that people can simply alter the tiniest part of the image to change the MD5, but at least it would stop the people that are too lazy to do that. (most spammers are)

I can understand that this might not be a feature that most people would require. All things aside, I don't know how to do it myself. If you could point me in the right direction I would be most grateful.

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