This thread is for all your simple questions about installing and running Wakaba or Kareha, that just require quick answers. Please don't create any more new threads for issues like that, post them in here instead.
Edit for enabling youtube embed code to be pasted in Formatting:HTML mode
use constant ALLOWED_HTML => (
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""/>
Left-hand side, see where the border is cut off along the thumbnail? What's up with that?
cgi-handler is part of the base Apache. You just need to change the config to use that instead of mod_perl.
Is there a way to force long one string comments to wrap in wakaba (so that they don't mess up the page design, causing the horizontal scrollbar to appear - damn those malicious people)? I have tried looking at CSS, but that solution seems to work only for IE.
No. I find the solution more annoying than the problem (for instance, long links being broken by putting space in them, making cut-and-paste much harder than it should be), so I've never implemented it.
i'd like to recommend that q
be added to the default list of allowed tags in html formatted posts.
oh, and support for svg images would be nice, too.
Too many arguments for main::clean_string at line 1324, near "1) "
Too many arguments for main::clean_string at line 1345, near "1) "
Too many arguments for main::clean_string at line 1378, near "1) "
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
help help help
atm when i press del all in the management panel w/wakaba I get the following: Error: Management password incorrect.
I have messed with a lot of the board look, and even a bit of the management panel look, but I am confused as to what would be causing this problem. The del all button seems to be formed correctly still. :(
also, i have replaced the edited management post loop with the original and am still experiencing the problem. i can select individual threads to delete and they go through no problem.
<td><var dec_to_dot($ip)>
[<a href="<var $self>?admin=<var $admin>&task=deleteall&ip=<var $ip>"><const S_MPDELETEALL></a>]
[<a href="<var $self>?admin=<var $admin>&task=addip&type=ipban&ip=<var $ip>" onclick="return do_ban(this)"><const S_MPBAN></a>]
A known bug, I hope I'll find some time to fix that and a couple of other issues soon. Haven't checked what causes it.
oshi... well until then i hope i don't get spammed to hell.. which has already happened once in the past three days that i've had the board up. is there any other way to remove all IPs from a board other than the management panel?
Just weren't enough parameters to delete_stuff as it was called from delete_all. ;)
Since there's no easy way to specify whether to archive the posts that [Del All] will remove, I chose not to archive them.
Line 1479 of now reads
Ah, I suspected something like that. Thanks!
we are making a lot of changes to wakaba, like i said. are you interested in any of the changes? so far we haven't had any problems whatsoever with any. things we are looking to add are sticky threads (just because... people whine about not having it) and a multi-board management panel.
does anyone know how i could get our collapsible thread option to store a cookie that says whether it was opened or closed and make the thread collapse/stay open to reflect the cookie?
Look at the iichan sidebar.
I've had the collapsible thread idea in the back of my head for a long while (I made a Firefox plugin that did the same for 4chan waaay back in the day), but I never got around to doing anything about it. It's probably a good idea, although there are some problems to take care of, such as: if you use cookies to store the state, you have to make sure you're not making the client send a ton of old useless cookies to the server.
Still not going to add sticky threads, though. They reinforce the idea that a board is run by the moderators and the users are an audience, instead of a board being run by the users with the moderators being there to keep the place clean. That is to say, moderators should never, ever control the content of a board beyond removing abuse.
what about, hypothetically, if you had user voted stickies? ie a thread gets so many votes so it stays at the top for a set amount of time?
in the end someone controls what's happening on the boards, whether it's the admin, the moderators, or the people posting.
That's a better idea, I think, but then you have changed the dynamics of the board to something new and different. Whether it would be something good or bad, I can't quite say.
yeah.. i was just tossing that out there. creating stickies is a step closer to having user chosen stickies.
Aha! Huge thanks for the clarification of the western imageboard philosophy. :)
is there any way to link directly to a post in a thread like in kareha? ie http://clownpenis.fart/wakaba/4323.html/666
or if it isn't deleted
It dodged the spam trap on a wakaba 3.0.6 board and also posted an image. Have the spambots been tailored to wakaba?
I'm trying to set up Kareha (check with my host and they are configured for running perl), but after following the quickstart guide, I keep getting an error 500 when I try to access Is there something I'm missing or still have to do before running the software?
See if anything in here helps, first of all:
Thanks, that took care of it! I just noticed that was linked at the top too, sorry for not seeing it earlier.
Is there a way to make certain users' names show up in a different color? For example, I want the name "The admin" to show up in red and the name "Mod" to show up in blue, while other users still continue with the normal colors.
the thing to choose the formatting doesn't work in opera mini... the "more options link works, but it doesn't show the dropdown thing to select which formatting mode to use ;;
This is probably a really silly question, but how do I post with a capcode? When I enter my name in as just that, it posts as some tripcoded(?) version of what I entered as the capcode in
You're supposed to put the tripcoded version in
I guess I assumed we were talking about Kareha?
Furhter investigation of this mysterious spammer indicates that it is actually a human posting from a regular browser.
Not much to do about that, except to update spam.txt
, I added a couple of entries that should give him trouble.
(I was going to post those entries here too but of course I got caught by the spam filter.)
the OP may have been, but I was wondering it it works with wakaba. doesn't seem like it would be hard to implement. or am i just assuming wrongfully?
Thanks, that cleared it up. I had it coded in backwards per se. Oh and I did mean in Kareha, I forgot that this thread is for both Wakaba and Kareha help when I posted that question.
i don't think your new spam definitions are stopping the spam... is there anything "special" you need to do in order for the new spam.txt to take effect or is it good to go as soon as you upload it?
I get a "403 Forbidden" error after installation.
I checked the HashBang and Permissions.
why don't icons work :( they are not working for swf. have not tried others. they are in /icons/ in the same directory as etc chmod 755 for the dir and the flash.png.
Can kareha ban IP addresses when running under lighttpd, or does it have to be done manually?
I couldn't say without knowing more of what you did and what happens. Did you set them up correctly in
Well, you can configure what kind of format Kareha writes the bans in to some extent. But I know nothing of lighttpd, so you'll have to figure out for yourself what to configure it to.
Well it's definitely not correct to have both. Drop the '.' one.
icon still isn't showing after commenting out swf => '.', also the swf filenames are still not being renamed when posted. is that normal for filetypes that are not images?
Yes, anything in the FILETYPES list will not be renamed. Make sure the icon files are readable by the webserver process. Making them 644 should be enough.
I had it @ 755 and now it is @ 644. Still not working. example:
to recap: @ /temp/ (755)
icon @ /temp/icons/flash.png directory (755) file (644)
use constant FILETYPES => (
swf => 'icons/flash.png',
We can post files of type 'swf' and the filenames are not altered when posted. BUT icon 'flash.png' does not show as the thumbnail for the post. It simply says "No Thumbnail."
That's also very weird. I just tried doing the exact same thing, and it worked just fine.
Wait, is your /thumb/ directory writable?
made no difference, as was expected. see:
also, i have commented out the portion of that does the spam check as you suggested. i have yet to get the spam error but i hope to find a better solution sometime soon.
i am wondering if it is something strange with the dreamhost account, but this doesn't seem right because i have had wakaba boards on dreamhost in the past with no problem.
our files are edited to add custom features as i've said before, but my friend used our files on his home server and everything ran fine.
also, do you or anyone else have any suggestions for getting adbrite ad codes to work with wakaba? adbrite code creates an "xml parsing error: not well formed" when I try to implement it. The arrow in the xml error always points to the second equal sign in the adbrite script URL.
Writable would be 777, probably.
If it's "<script src=http://whatever>", change it to <script src="http://whatever">. If nothing else works, set USE_XHTML to 0 and remove the lines about xhtml from .htaccess.
777 and still no icon.
I've had UXE_XHTML set to 0 for some time, didn't realize I had to remove something from the htaccess for it to work.
#<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
#RewriteEngine On
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} application/xhtml\+xml
#RewriteRule \.html$ - [T=application/xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8]
ads are working now, but i think it will take 24 hours before adbrite network ads start showing.
I implemented a topbar nav menu on i believe it will be a good and easy way to provide a cross-browser friendly menu across every board by using one header.html (using either symlinks or changing the location/to/header.html in wakaba.)
just wanted some criticism from the society ;D
p.s. this site was just down or really really bogged down for the past half hour or more.
Why every time i try, i have this?
I hope anyone can helpme, its a problem with the perl scripts?
No ADMIN_PASS defined in the configuration at /usr/share/perl/5.8/CGI/ line 314.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 133.
Compilation failed in require at line 13.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 13.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([email protected]), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
did you uncomment and change the ADMIN_PASS line in carefully look through to make sure you have filled in and uncommented the required lines.
hint: read the comments next to the variables
Thank you very much! I new on this, and i a little emm... dumb jeje, but with your explanation i have my imageboard =3
But i have another question, how i do to have many seccion, you know like 4chan, i mean, how i do to have a frame with the sections. I have to do a directory for every section?
you need to setup a seperate directory for each board you want to run. also you will need one mysql databse per imageboard.
if you want to have a list of the boards on one side and the actual board to the right you need to setup a framed index.html that calls two html files for 2 separate sections.
> you will need one mysql databse per imageboard.
Actually, no, you don't. You can do it that way if you want, but you can also change the SQL_TABLE option to use differently-named tables in the same database for each board.
aso aso. any idea on swf icons? it wouldn't be a problem but i want a /random/ board that allows SWF posting as well. if I were to setup a seperate flash board then it would be as simple as coding the icons into
No, I really have no idea what's going on there. If you have the Perl skills, you can dig into the code and try to find what function call fails or something... Add die
statements in strategic locations or some such.
my perl skills are limited. Not a problem, though. I will just have a seperate flash board. ^_^
p.s. how hard would it be to make the management panel create multiple pages rather than parse all of the post data to one page? the load time is horrible on boards with many posts.
I've run into a formatting bug that shows up in IE with kareha in messageboard mode where if the thumbnail of an image posted is taller than the post text, the image extends beyond the end of the post body and the style is generally broken. It looks like it's restricted to the Blue Moon theme (which I rather like...) as well as Toothpaste (basically where the post body has a different color background).
I set up an example at
Any suggestions?
None more useful than "don't use IE" or "figure out how to fix the CSS", because I don't know how.
Hi again!, i have another question.
When i try put the name "Berryz Kobo" i obtain this error
Can't locate object method "Berryz" via package "kobo" (perhaps you forgot to load "kobo"?) at line 14.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 14.
Compilation failed in require at line 12.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 12.
But if i put just "Berryz" all working :S
i apreciated if anyone can help me. C-ya
"Try put the name"? You need to explain in a bit more detail what you are doing.
If you are trying to set the name of your imageboard to Berryz Kobo then it should look like this:
use constant TITLE => 'Berryz Kobo'; # Name of this image board
i've installed proxycheck into /proxycheck/ in a particular wakaba directory and set it to:
use constant PROXY_COMMAND => 'proxycheck/proxycheck -s -d -c chat::"Multi-User License: 100-0000-000" -aaaa';
I enabled proxy check and there is an obvious pause between the time you press submit and when your post actually goes through, but when I post with Tor it does not catch the proxy. Am I doing something wrong?
I didn't write the proxy check code (dmpk2k did), so I can't tell for sure but Tor is not really any kind of normal proxy, so I'd imagine proxycheck doesn't notice it.
Do you have any leads on the cause of the spam filter blocking image posts? It's getting really annoying.
No, sorry, it's damn hard to debug when you can't reproduce it. Well, maybe I should try that trick I was thinking of earlier and give it to you to test... I'll try to remember.
If you are still experiencing it (as I'm sure my board would be too) you should comment out the block of code that handles the spam stuff. WAHa had me do that until further notice.
open in your prefered editor and find sub spam_engine. comment out everything from my $spam_checker to spam_screen($query), like this:
sub spam_engine(%)
my %args=@_;
my @spam_files=@{$args{spam_files}||[]};
my @trap_fields=@{$args{trap_fields}||[]};
my %excluded_fields=map ($_=>1),@{$args{excluded_fields}||[]};
my $query=$args{query}||new CGI;
my $charset=$args{charset};
for(@trap_fields) { spam_screen($query) if $query->param($_) }
######################COMMENTED OUT TO STOP SPAM ERROR##########################
#my $spam_checker=compile_spam_checker(@spam_files); #
#my @fields=$query->param; #
#@fields=grep !$excluded_fields{$_},@fields if %excluded_fields; #
#my $fulltext=join "\n",map decode_string($query->param($_),$charset),@fields; #
#study $fulltext; #
# #
#spam_screen($query) if $spam_checker->($fulltext); #
Also, will Wakaba get fancy DISPLAY_ID support anytime soon (i.e. ability to make IDs not persist between threads, change daily, and such?) At least the board oper I was talking to said that lack of that was his reason for not using it.
you can make IDs change by day.
use constant DISPLAY_ID => 'mask,sage'; # How to display user IDs (0 or '': don't display,
# 'day' and 'board' in any combination: make IDs change for each day or board,
# 'mask': display masked IP address (similar IPs look similar, but are still encrypted)
# 'sage': don't display ID when user sages, 'link': don't display ID when the user fills out the link field,
# 'ip': display user's IP, 'host': display user's host)
The way I have it setup it shows a masked version of the users IP and shows ID:HEAVEN when a user sages.
Hmm. His exact words were "IDs on wakaba are broken in that they persist between threads." Guess he was wrong.
Oh does he mean that IDs stay the same thread to thread? that's... i dunno. sounds like a dumb idea imho. what would be the point of having IDs? other than showing if one person was posting multiple times in one thread.
in the end we all want different things. i guess it wouldn't be hard to add it. i'm not the expert, though.
Also, yo WAHa I added the email link protocols to and it's working as you said it would. thanks. :)
my $protocol_re=qr/(?:http|https|ftp|mailto|nntp|news|ventrilo|aim|irc|steam)/;
It's because, in an extended discussion, certain people apparently have trouble keeping straight which Anonymous made which posts. I suggested SILLY_ANONYMOUS as an alternative but he thought that was, well, silly.
Persistent IDs in Wakaba are sort of impossible to do, as generating the ID requires knowing some fact that will stay constant throughout the thread, and that would most conveniently be the thread number, but the thread number is not known until the post is actually written to the database. So the ID of the first post would be wrong. I guess it could be added, with that caveat, if it's really wanted, though.
Why not the timestamp of the first post in the thread? Unless that's what the thread number is.
That's what Kareha uses, but the timestamp is not actually stored in the Wakaba database, only the textual date string. One could use that instead, but in either case it would require an extra database lookup for every post, and that seems sort of silly.
I made my wakaba display file sizes in KB rather than Bytes like so:
<var $size/1024> KB
Very easy, obviously. But it displays with lots of trailing decimals. A few wakaba versions ago I remember that I had this working without any decimal places but I don't quite remember how I did this. Is there some easy way to do it?
nevermind, i figured it out. sorry I'm dumb.
<var int($size/1024)> KB
I don't mind that the rounding isn't perfect. 1KB give or take isn't a big deal.
You can just add 0.5 to get the common rounding.
If you want, try this and see if it helps:
add it to 1024? or add it to $size? orrrrrrrr add it to the product?
why not do ($size>>9)+1>>1