Require registrations (Wakaba) (13)

7 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-02-20 18:05 ID:Heaven [Del]

If you don't want to use htpassword, you're stuck with the first suggestion:

  • Remove the references from the template.
  • Use NoCap in the Banned/Whitelist panel.

People will need to submit to you their (encoded) tripcode. For example, mine is "!hinhT6kz2E". You put that in NoCap, and perhaps put their normal nick and/or email in the comment. Now only people who know their tripcode can post. People without a valid tripcode cannot, although they can still view the board.

You could make a small second wakaba/kareha board where people can post their requests for registration/validation. Go through that board every couple of days, and copy the tripcodes straight from there. Or have them email the tripcode to you instead.

Personally, I think wakaba's a bad fit for this, but if you're determined to do it, this can be done with a few minutes of work.

8 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-02-20 18:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

I forgot to mention:

  • enable captcha in
  • delete from the directory

What NoCap does is allow people with specific tripcodes to post without entering a captcha.

By enabling captcha, you're requiring everyone not in the NoCap list to enter a captcha. But if you delete, they can't post, since they're not given a captcha when they visit the page.

Ergo, only people on the NoCap list can post.

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