No Thumbnail (66)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-27 02:59 ID:n7VGY3WI [Del]

Can't get this to work either. Total first timer to this, but my board worked first time. Thank the maker!

Two questions
1) The thumbnail images should reside in extras\icons (from the root of my board install)?

2) Can someone tell me if the following looks correct syntax to enable Torrent and MP3? In my rules it now displays that these are allowed file types and i've have checked they can be uploaded.

# Icons for filetypes - file extensions specified here will not be renamed, and will get icons
# (except for the built-in image formats). These example icons can be found in the extras/ directory.
use constant FILETYPES => (
# # Audio files

mp3 => 'icons/audio-mp3.png',
torrent => 'icons/torrent.png',

# # To stop Wakaba from renaming image files, put their names in here like this:
# gif => '.',
# jpg => '.',
# png => '.',


many thanks,

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