No Thumbnail (66)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-02-18 13:43 ID:c2u7scdC [Del]

I have everything running but I am not getting thumbnails. Just the "No Thumbnail" box. Using Kareha and imagemagick, static version, on windowsXP. I tried with just the 'convert' and the full path name to convert.exe (C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.2.6-Q16\convert.exe) in the COMMAND_CONVERT line. What am I missing?

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-02-18 13:52 ID:Heaven [Del]

Apache or IIS? I remember that at least IIS might need some trickery before it will allow scripts to run external commands... I forget what exactly was involved, though.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-02-18 13:55 ID:c2u7scdC [Del]

I am using Apache2.

4 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-02-18 13:59 ID:xpsGv4Vr [Del]

One thing comes to mind: Backslash is a special character in Perl strings. Does 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.2.6-Q16\\convert.exe' work any better?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-02-18 14:06 ID:c2u7scdC [Del]

No change. Could it be the space in the path name?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-02-18 14:22 ID:c2u7scdC [Del]

nevermind about the space. reintsalled to a new location without one and still no change.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-02-22 09:08 ID:2Spp/nJn [Del]

I have a similar problem on windows using IIS6. No thumbnails. If I give IUSR permission to cmd.exe it throws an error: "The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers." (thats all it said)

replacing COMMAND_CONVERT with the path didn't seem to change anything

8 Name: Joe : 2006-04-23 03:45 ID:/xBWJnga [Del]

I have the same exact problem as >>1
If anyone makes a breakthrough I will love you forever :O

9 Name: WYPaladin : 2007-02-07 15:02 ID:65ekt0lP [Del]

Ok. Let`s try...
This is solution for Windows
1) download and install ImageMagick-6.3.2-3-Q16-windows-dll.exe
2) check it (in the end of installation u will see instruction)
3) in ImageMagick directory try to test demo scripts in MagicPerl\demo directory. See if u have any errormessages (like missing dll`s)
4) Copy all of dlls from ImageMagicks root directory to u`re Windows\System32
5) Try execute demo scripts again. If u made all right - u must see result image.
5) Now wakaba scripts must work.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-12 15:11 ID:uFtuSN+p [Del]

I'm running in linux.
I have imagemagick installed(tried the same sintax that is used in and works).
Folders access is set to 777.
But i can't get thumbnails. When i upload a pic the page times out. Apache is creating a file in thumb/ but is 0 sized.

Pls help

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-13 05:32 ID:uFtuSN+p [Del]

setting the full path to command in resolved the issue

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-08 22:15 ID:+9zJscUo [Del]

I copied and pasted the convert.exe into my kareha folder and it made some thumbs. While in the config it still said 'convert' :3

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-08 22:43 ID:+9zJscUo [Del]

same anon

Also just learned imagemagick has trouble with Adobe image files. I tryed to upload 3 and they all crashed. I then opened the same said images in ms paint, copied then pasted them into a new mspain t window and saved them as new files. Which got rid of the property that said it came from Adobe photoshop 7 or CS2 or CS3, and they became thumbnails easily.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-24 18:17 ID:hSXyjwFK [Del]


I have the same problem, but I run lighttpd.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-11 00:01 ID:iX/q+LxB [Del]

Same Problem here as >>10 & >>14

Im running Linux with Apache2 & Imagemagick6.3.5
Upped gif files are turned into thumbs and it runs all very well. Jpg and png files are thumbed but the thumbnailes all have 0 bytes.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-11 00:45 ID:iX/q+LxB [Del]

>>10 >>14

I solved the problem and it was pretty easy.
If you install the Imagemagick package like shown here:
you first have to make sure that your System supports png and jpeg.

Type in:
convert -list format

if you have already installed Imagematrix, if it does not show any png or jpg entry all you gotta do is install the following librarys

libpng-dev and libjpeg-dev

If you run debian you can just apt-get install these.
After you installed these libs install the Imagemagick. It will now have jpeg ang png support.
test it with another-> convert -list format

You can also try to convert a file by hand. Just make a dir and copy a png file in it and then run:
convert yourfile.png -resize 50% thumb.jpg

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