Kareha in Perl 5.005 (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-05 14:02 ID:GTyQHGvw [Del]

Hello, I am trying to install Kareha in the shared severs I use. I can not really mess with the admin settings other than my account, so upgrading from 5.005 wouldn't be possible. However I heard that people have run kareha in perl 5.005.

I gettin compilation errors in the wakautils.pl where there is code that isn't supported in this version. Other than converting unicode back to non-unicode, I get this error:

[Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] kareha.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] templates.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] templates.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] wakautils.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] wakautils.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] INET.pm: Can't locate IO/Socket/INET.pm in @INC (@INC contains: . /usr/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris /usr/perl5/5.00503 /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) at wakautils.pl line 430.
[Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] kareha.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] templates.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] templates.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] wakautils.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] wakautils.pl: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at wakautils.pl line 430.
[Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] kareha.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] templates.pl: [Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] templates.pl: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at templates.pl line 3.
[Thu Jan 5 10:34:34 2006] kareha.pl: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at kareha.pl line 14.

is there a workaround to the use IO::Socket::INET; ?

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-01-05 14:10 ID:Heaven [Del]

You can comment out the use line for it, if you remove the get_http() function. It's not used by the script itself.

However, I have my doubts about whether you can get it to work at all. 5.6 should work, but 5.005 is really a stretch.

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