Wakaba & Kareha 3.0.0 (349)

171 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-27 03:07 ID:h/bzMTIl [Del]

My host has Perl v5.6.1 and I'm having trouble installing kareha 3.0.9. I followed the instructions in the documentation but I get a software error when try to run kareha.pl

It said

Invalid [] range "}-\x" before HERE mark in regex m/([\x{100}-\x << HERE {ffff}])/
Compilation failed in require at templates.pl line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at templates.pl line 3.
Compilation failed in require at /kunden/homepages/5/d92823313/htdocs/bbs2/kareha.pl line 14.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /kunden/homepages/5/d92823313/htdocs/bbs2/kareha.pl line 14.

I also tried to install an earlier version (2.0.4) in another directory and that works just fine. Anyone know how to get 3.0.9 to work correctly? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

172 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-01-27 04:59 ID:j/j8XBOa [Del]

Oh, I seem to have accidentially gotten a 5.8-only feature in there without any checking for earlier versions. I'm pretty sure that line is not important, so you can just open up wakautils.pl, find the line, and comment it out. I'll have to fix that.

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