Random questions (24)

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-20 06:38 ID:WWRHTZK/ [Del]

Yeah, 3 would stump anyone, wouldn't it? Anyone who hasn't had to deal with GODDAMN DUMBASS MYSQL, that is. MySQL apparently treats integers ONLY as 32-bit signed integers, and it clamps positive values that are bigger than 31 bits. Which means I can't store an integer IP address in an integer field, but have to do use retarded hacks like making it a text field.

I'm not quite sure what you're referring to with 1 and 2, though. If by 2 you mean, why is there a field that contains the image instead of just combining the filetype and date stamp, that was originally an artifact from the Futaba design, but as it happens, it's actually required now that you can set the script up to not rename files.

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