Random questions (24)

11 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-21 13:00 ID:mgSSrIZA [Del]

The primary contributor to the board is the poster. So I'm mainly doing this for me, but heavy contributors on large storage boards would find it useful. I was running into 5 second lag times between posts.

I take it there's no timeframe on the mythical next version? I don't want to go through and change everything if I have to do it again in a few weeks.

Things I plan to do:

  1. Get the post id using SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() or $dbh->last_insert_id($catalog, $schema, $table, $field), use it instead of the later SELECT. Removes index dependency on image and comment.

2. Separate the recent post lists into a separate table to shorten flood checks. Removes index dependency on ip and timestamp.

3. Move checks for things such as MAX_THREADS/MAX_SIZE, and so on to before their relevant selects.

4. With those, I can index md5(10), parent, and lasthit only.

5. Somehow shorten build_cache. Most activity is in the first 20-30 threads, so try and avoid rebuilding the back pages. Perhaps creating a thread table for this would help, and let me remove the lasthit index.

6. Figure out how to run a profiler on the thing. Okay, I should be doing this first, but 1-4 aren't that much work. You don't happen to have one set up, do you?

I'll let you know how it goes. Might be a while, though.

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