Hi there, sorry to be a pain in the ass, but I don't have a clue how to install this script. (I know absolutely nothing when it comes to using perl scripts). Yes, the webhost does have perl support, it has a CGI-BIN directory, but I think scripts can execute anywhere.
So I've uploaded the entire Kareha folder to my webspace (basically, all the contents of the zip folder) and put them into a directory "http://sitename.com/keraha".
Now I just want to run the script as a basic discussion board, but I don't get what it means in the readme by "Choose which of the MultipleBoardModes you want to use, and copy the files from the appropriate mode_*/ directory."
Does that mean that if I wanted a board called "gen" I'd stick a copy of all the files in that "mode_message" folder and whack them all in something like "http://sitename.com/gen"?
...er, and then I'm not sure what to do :S
Thanks in advance.
You put a full install of the script in each board directory. You the copy the files out of the mode_message directory into that same directory. And then you edit config.pl to suit your needs. And you repeat this for every board you want.
Tried it, but the kareha.pl file doesn't execute (it just displays the scripting). I guess it's the rubbish host I'm with, these lot probably don't allow scripts to be executed outside cgi-bin. I'm moving to another one, today.
Yay! got it working. It was actually a painless install.
Problem was due to my CRAP host (lycos) not supporting Perl properly. Managed to get it working on a free host instead... Time to change hosts don't you think?
allow me to make a suguestion:
thanks for the link, unfortunately it looks like they don't accept my card (Switch) which is a damn shame because it looks like a nice host.
Next best option seems to be http://www.1and1.co.uk/ and they're UK based, which is nice.
http://x10hosting.com got to be pretty damn good if you ask me
interesting. It seems to be against TOS to upload files...>_<
I'd like a US-based site that can support this kind of messageboard for free, please.
Or close to it.
Don't get me wrong, I'll be able to install everything.