Weird. When I used it on gurochan's board, it kinda broke all form fields - I couldn't enter any text in any of them anymore.
I can enter text in that gurochan thread, so this sounds like your problem.
Unicode seems to call it the "PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN," but it will always mean "Command" to us.
No, it worked again after I copypasted something in it and replied with that (copypaste still worked). But I couldn't enter any text manually after submitting the apple logo.
In Scandinavian countries, it is used on road signs to mark places of interest. I've always found it slightly hilarious to see it on Mac keyboards.
I see ?
i was just noticing that that there is no unicode character for the apple logo... but we do have some really stupid things like:
U+2603: Snowman ☃
U+2328: Keyboard ⌨
U+1FAF: Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni ᾯ
If they included Apple, they'd have to include all the other company logos too.... duh.
well it's not like there's a shortage of available codepoints or anything.