Just trying to make sense of it all (95)

9 Name: Eleo 2005-07-10 10:13 ID:w9tgTU/+ [Del]

It's easier to troubleshoot my own bugs than troubleshoot someone else's. I followed the directions for installing shiichan and it was broken.

Secondly, this is just a project of mine. Should I not program something just because it won't be perfect the first time around?

I like BBcode because it streamlines some things that would take several tags to do in HTML and is usable by pretty much everyone. I've seen BBcode used in phpbb, invision, vbulletin, various blog scripts, deviantart, etc. It's become somewhat of a "standard." I know you hate how much that sounds. People expect to be able to use BBcode and I wouldn't be the one to screw with their heads to make a statement about BBcode versus HTML.

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