Just trying to make sense of it all (95)

1 Name: Eleo 2005-07-09 17:34 ID:w9tgTU/+ [Del]

I was thinking about making my own image board script, but with PHP/MySQL since I don't know any perl (which is why I just won't modify wakaba.) There are a few features I wanted to add like being able to create/delete/manage boards from the admin panel, add bbcodes, dynamically have a list of boards created and be displayed along the top.

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out the comments database for an imageboard. Just trying to find out what is necessary and what isn't and what I want to add.

Timestamp and Lasthit were the first to get me. I have no idea what those are for. Next that confused me was the md5. I didn't have a clue what the purpose of that was. Also, the "random" numbers that are generated for an image, it looks like they have something to do with the timestamp but I'm not exactly sure what.

I'm somewhat of a newb at PHP but I don't think it would be impossible to script this if I take my time. I've done a little bit of PHP in the past and it's fairly straightforward.

There were a few other things that I was wondering about, for example why mailto: was included in the e-mail field of the database, or why the directory that an image is kept is stored in the database. I thought maybe "mailto" and "src/" could be added by the script itself.

One more thing; thumbnail height and thumbnail width. I can see what they're for but I'm not exactly sure why they're necessary.

Oh, and one more thing. Tripcodes and the secret key. How are tripcodes generated and how is it based on the secret key. I'm not looking for actual code, just concepts.

55 Name: Eleo : 2005-11-17 16:04 ID:UivWox2e [Del]

What's going on here.

Yeah, I just recently continued work on this imageboard project of mine. It took a while to get my head back in the code but now it's going rather smoothly but I'm worried that the code is actually a trainwreck or is going to cause a server load that I could severely reduce if I knew what I was doing a little better.

I put in some silly things like templates for every aspect of the board (posts, replies, etc.) and made the code easier to read because my intention is to have some better-qualified people fix it up once it works.

Right now i'm wondering about the javascript involved when you click on a post number and have it appear in the comments box.

56 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. : 2005-11-17 16:40 ID:5MORVezp [Del]


I hope that wasn't from me linking it in http://forums.bungie.org/story/. (look, an independently invented minimalist board script!)


This is pretty simple; it's something like this:

function quote(b,a) { var v=eval("document."+a+".mesg"); 


<a href='javascript:quote(123,"post1131276165");'>123</a>

The eval() is just to get the post box you're adding text to. I believe JavaScript is capable of doing more advanced stuff than just that (for instance, creating >>a-b links if you click more than one post number), and I've been meaning to look into it, but haven't done anything about it yet.

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