Just trying to make sense of it all (95)

13 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-07-10 23:24 ID:8Cqp99d7 [Del]

> It's easier to troubleshoot my own bugs than troubleshoot someone else's.

It's easier to troubleshoot someone else's bugs than to rewrite the entire thing from scratch, unless you're dealing with a trivial program (which, admittedly, Shiichan is close to being).

> Should I not program something just because it won't be perfect the first time around?

I'm afrain you missed my point. If you wish to do so, by all means, have fun. However, I also think that if you had problems getting Shiichan working, you're biting off far more than you can chew by writing your own version.

Needless to say, I'm not a fan of rewrites, unless the software in question is criminally broken.

Start small, start small...

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