I'm getting the following error message when I ltry to access the admin page:
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: http://www.hgundam.com/imageboard/wakaba.pl?task=mpanel&admin=Bk30pnBLDdVH Line Number 1, Column 11143:
What does it mean, and how do I fix it?
It means you added some HTML code that isn't valid XHTML. Either fix it so that it is valid, or set use constant USE_XHTML => 0
in the config to make Wakaba stop sending pages as XHTML.
I would deny having done any such thing, but that seems to have fixed the problem, thanks!
Even if you're closing all tags everywhere like you're supposed to, a couple of other things can trip you up. One is using a bare "&" character. You always have to use "&" instead.
I had one of these because the image posted had an & in the filename... switching off XHTML in the config didn't fix it, btw, I had to edit the html of the post itself
Which of course is only a temporary fix since the next post rebuilds the html with the & character instead of &
I found the cause of the Firefox XML parsing problem.
If you have links in header.html or footer.html, the perl code is not processing/parsing those files correctly.
You are probably also getting orphaned .dat files in your root directory for each board.
>>15 that's obviously wrong, as all the boards on iichan have links in their headers and footers, and the default setup has links in the footer.
I'm sure iichan either has XHTML parsing turned off or has valid XHTML in the header/footer.
Not wrong, at least with kareha. I have replicated the problem several times.
If you put invalid XHTML in the header or footer, it's going to break. If you put valid XHTML, it will work. It has nothing to do with links, except that you probably have "&" characters in your links that you are not changing to "&", which you have to do in XHTML.
Using http://validator.w3.org I found out that the "autocomplete" attribute is not allowed in XHTML. This is the only error I get for my boards but still some people are getting this error message.
Once I was uninstalled i followed the same process. This timed checked iis insted of
uncheck to re install iis
Start -> settings -> control panel -> Add Remove Programs
Selected Add Widows components
Checked Internet Information Server (IIS)
and clicked on next
Again registered .net with iis
Start -> Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -> Visual Studio Tools -> Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt
2. Type in aspnet_regiis -i & Press enter to register asp .net 2.0 to iis
aspnet_regiis -i
Test board has same error in FF.
ok well omg gee golly firefox I guess, so my errored xml or
is caused caused from bad xhtml scripting and that it needs to either be rewritten.
But I did something really really stupid: I edited the wakaba.html and to great success there were links to other boards and it worked and so did the 404, but as soon as I uped a pic it was all gone. The main html page can not be rewitten since it will just come back or revert.
I assume (not trying to make an ass out of you guys or me) that I need to change the setting for anything named with a & will just mess stuff up, at least in the config.pl
I did look up the validator thing from w3c and it said exactly what one of you said bu all due respect to all who helped.
I hopefully have figured the problem bu I might need to reinstall, but since this has been a learning experience I know more and that's half the battle.
I starded to read "The Visibooks Guide To PERL Basics" and it's kind of helped me a little but from not knowing much at all from perl.