hello i am trying to install wakaba board, but when i call for the wakaba.pl it says : "Can't locate object method "connect" via package "DBI" (perhaps you forgot to load "DBI"?) at wakaba.pl line 45, <FILE> line 3"
What shall i do???
Do you have an SQL database at your host, and did you set it up right?
If you don't, you can't run Wakaba. However, you can use Kareha with mode_image instead, which is much the same but doesn't need a database.
I have tested that, but the thumbnailing wont work in that version of this board...
Dont know why i have installed imagick and tried both the option of : Convert and the complete path to the convert file...
Wakaba and Kareha use the exact same thumbnailing code, so switching to the other won't help... do you have the right permissions on the src/ and thumb/ directories?
What OS are you running this on?
Im running on 2003 server (windows) and i got the proper rights to write to the folders as well...
Ack, Windows. That explains why you're having problems, but sadly I don't know what exactly to do about them. Which version of ImageMagick are you running, the static or the DLL version? The static is easier to get to work.
I installed the 16bits static version, and it is the "latest" from their site...
O sorry got the dynamic, librarys :P well i shall test the static one now brb :D
16 bits is overkill, 8 bits is enough. But it doesn't really matter, both work. 16 bits just uses a bit more memory and CPU.
Well it didnt work at all... dont know why :(. I got another question: i would like to use a external "non" webbsite hdd for my files, but i tried to and failed. (when the program creats the link it makes the link to be the drive name and the link is therefore dead. How could i fix this, first i tried to use the aliases at my webbserver, giving the drive the same attribute as the src/ folder in the scripts path, but the when the html is created it still uses the C:/ path :P how can i fix that ???
2k3 should be able to do softlinks, I think? You could create a softlink named "src" and have it link to the other drive. Don't ask me how to do that exactly, though, I've no idea.
Well i have solved the folder problem but the Imagick wont work :/
dont know why either, you got any idee?
I just remembered this:
Did you check out that link on that page?
Thx, i shall test that out :D cause it was on wakaba i have ignored that :P well anyway im not using IIS... or whatever, im using abyss webbserver :P
Ok now i have tested the things u told me :P but it didnt work so well maybe i should switch to IIS :P i will trie and come back!
If you're switching to anything, I'd suggest switching to Apache. Never used (hell, even heard of) Abyss.
It's a sourceforge project, in version 0.3 Heeellllloo buggy!
Naa dont think abyss is sourceforge... http://www.aprelium.com
The reason i used it was caouse it is simple and complex.
And apache on windows :P naa even if it works i dont want to :D
it more of a challange if it IS buggy