Puny suggestions (6)

1 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-27 04:09 ID:u+CxkNAI [Del]

Submitting an image as a reply sends you back to that thread page, instead of the general forum. Easier to flood a thread.

More control over title and title_img? Right now I'm just clumsily inserting stuff into futaba_style.pl to allow for HTML tags.

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-27 06:48 ID:LopVrrAe [Del]

> Submitting an image as a reply sends you back to that thread page, instead of the general forum. Easier to flood a thread.

This has been requested, on and off... I'm not sure. It'd be annoying when you reply to a thread, and useful when you post several images... I can't decide which way is the better one.

> More control over title and title_img? Right now I'm just clumsily inserting stuff into futaba_style.pl to allow for HTML tags.

Inserting stuff in include/header.html should give you more control, no? You don't have to have just a nav bar in there, and you can use templating commands to add things like <const include("include/navbar.html")> if you want to use a navbar plus your own code...

3 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-27 15:25 ID:u+CxkNAI [Del]

That's true. Anyone who wants to fiddle with them can handle putting it in header.html.

4 Name: !7HS.fXE5/c 2005-02-28 02:32 ID:/4VTDJIp [Del]


How about sending you to the general forum for a text reply and back to the thread for an image reply?

5 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-28 03:09 ID:Heaven [Del]

Inconsistent behaviour like that would be confusing. Perhaps have a "Stay in Thread" option instead, unchecked by default.

But, I think the way it currently works is best.

Also: A lot of people seem to accidentally post new threads when they meant to post a reply. Maybe there needs to be more visual distinction between "Reply" pages and normal imageboard pages.

6 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-28 04:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

> But, I think the way it currently works is best.


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